Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Galeres Quaestor Report

Report #3 12.12.08

Happy Holidays! Whichever one you celebrate anyway. Time for drinks all around.

Galeres News

Remember to fill out the ATR on the Arcona website when you do anything – this'll help us out when it comes to seeing what people have done in regards to promotions and rewards, link is at the end of the report.

I'd like everyone to do me a favour, and send a constructive criticism of how the house is being run – basically any ideas on what you think is being done well, and what can be improved, ideas on how to improve would be great. Email them to me, don't talk to me on IRC about it – I will just forget what's been said.

DB and Arcona News

Finals for the ACC ladder go through soon

Keep on venturing onto Ventrilo – I go to my parents tomorrow, and will be on it then

Site's back up, along with the awesome new character sheets, robes and sabers – remember to thank everyone who worked on them and remember to report bugs using http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?s=89b0e0f9dde11cfde571a6a09ee3966f&showtopic=5548&st=20


DB wide

There can only be one

Gaming Nights

Trivia for Everyone

The day the Pwned stood still


Arcona Trivia MK.V

Motivational Poster


Black Hand – Imperator

Black Hand – Executor

Shadows of the Soul

Facing your fears

Blue Mist

Ace of the Blue Mist

Motivational Speech


Talos – Black Hand Wiki and development

(the site was down, not a lot could be done)

Real Life

Some more Real Life! I go back to my parents tomorrow until January 2nd. This doesn't mean a lot, except there's a chance I won't be around on mIRC as much, but this is more in the run up to Christmas from the 20th as family are visiting and I haven't seen some of them in a long while.

Important Links





Just a reminder really, if you need anything, have any comments, thoughts, ideas etc or want a chat, me and orv are here to help. And someone needs to give me a hand with html please!


Quaestor of House Galeres

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