_SBM Odin Vaaj Corsair
Quaestor of House Tridens
House Tridens
Clan Tarentum_
Tridens Quaestor Report : The Mandate, A Call To Arms and Pre-GJW (AWOL) check
_A night in Yridia II, 11 o'clock local time
Tridens Headquarters
Base level of Castle Tarentum.
The silence of that night broke when a siren sang its call to all members of House Tridens for one perfect minute. It was a call to gather into the House Hall immediately and subsequently. Doors of the members quarters' automatically opened along with the alert system. Journeymen jumped out from their beds or meditation chairs, wondering of what had happened with them. The call was not just alerting their hearings but also their minds as a dark figure moved silently before every door, its sight leaving a mystery to follow. Meanwhile, Equites grunted, trying to rub the old fashioned disruption off their minds. However, they all knew what to do. Their steps marched hastily to the directed place as then they found the bothersome figure standing in the middle of the hall.
Without further ado, the figure rose his right arm. The silence was filling the room once more as the lights on every corner illuminated the hall sacredfully. The tension in the atmosphere began to decrease when the figure finally spoke, releasing his familiar voice and sense through the Force._
Dark Greetings my Brethren,
I am Odin, your Quaestor, the one that currently being trusted to serve you as the member of this House. House Tridens, one of the three pillars of Clan Tarentum's power has just now received a mandate from the Clan to prepare for the upcoming great vendetta : The Great Jedi War, in the very near future. Look at the trailer here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1OwTGcnG5k)
The mandate is telling of what we shall consider by mind and heart. And here is the mandate from the Consul, Dark Jedi Master Anshar Kahn Tarentae.
_The GJW is a team event, and the Clan is the team.
Our official policy to the members is "Do your very best, but participate at all times." As best as everyone can, we need people to help each other.
To wrap it all up:
First place or bust
Everyone and everything counts and we will put forth our very best effort, but also encourage high levels of participation.
Be positive
Remove deadweight
Stay on top of things during the war and be available as often as possible._
With the spirited mindset, intention and initiative, we will surely achieve what we hope at most. We all have thought for it, we have sharpened our skill for it, we have figured and scratched out our plan for it. The most reddish one is being positive. It will raise our blood counts of guardian, it will raise our fight champ spirit, it will raise the chance to achive the goal to the upmost level. We must be positive to our goal and effort.
Our attitude influences the Clan, and we must remain positive. We will award people for their efforts as well, beyond whatever they win in the events.
Our goal is high. Our mandate is hard. First place or bust. And who can make it happen? We. All of us. Each and every of you take a part in the process to form the strength, the power, the victory.
A better winner. We will do it together. Together we will do better. Better as the complete winner. Winner as a team and every player. Of our beloved Clan. Clan Tarentum.
However, to ensure that everyone is ready, there will be a pre-GJW check. A similar AWOL check.To check your readiness. To check your willing to share your time and best efforts in the extraordinary war in the very near future (approximately starts in late January 2009). To check if there are some possible preference of doing nothing than sharing. To check if there are some impending leavings out of battle field because of urgent real life matters.
Say your readiness directly as a reply to this call to arms.
However, saying that you are ready is not the only proof the clan wants from us. "Anyone can reply to an e-mail, but we're looking for activity beyond that. There will be opportunities this month and next for activity before the GJW, on top of the gaming nights and other DB wide monthly activities"
The deadline will be the end of this year (December 31, 2008).
Tridens, we will have Competitions Parade before the GJW. That's the last chance to prove your readiness to accompany your answer of this call.Three competitions has been going, and more to come. Tridens Shadow Academy Courses Festival, Spot the 5 differences, and Clan Trivia. Guardians, Hunters and Knights, request your part to host a competition for the upcoming X-mas theme. Oh, don't forget to submit to the new Character Sheet. Just go to your administrative dossier and you will find the link to that coolness (the other masterpiece of the awesome SCL Jac and crews). And following this, Elols and I will provide you more detailed statistical report.
If you have any concern to ask, just tell Aedile Elols, Rollmaster Cypha, Battleteam Leaders : Ma'ar, Archean and Sephiroth, or myself. We will be more than glad to help.
So, are you ready, Tridens? Say it now!
SBM Odin Vaaj
Quaestor of House Tridens
Clan Tarentum.
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