Greetings Nightshade Squadron,
Third BTL report so far. I wrote her before that this wouldn't be a long report, but I have the tendency to ramble lol
~Medals, Reports, and Other Achievements~
Ginnafae Delacor Crescent with Emerald Star
~Another Competition for Nightshade Squadron~
Hopefully this competition will have more entries than the last one, but this competition deals with more creativity. I did this competition for my Battle Team back in Clan Arcona a long time ago, and this is the second version of it. It involves creating your own force power :) Here you go:
Title: Create a Force Power #2
I did a competition like this when I was a BTL last time and I think it's
a great idea, so I'm doing it again:
How cool is this? Every Dark Jedi would love to eventually make a power
that sets them apart from others. This is your chance. You must create
your own force power. It cannot be godded (in other words nothing like,
"Its sends out a death wave and kills a whole army"). You must write this
force power up and describe how it is. You will be judged on creativity.
Images of this power will gain extra points.
Start Date: 12/16/2008
End Date: 12/30/2008
Unit in Competition: Battle Team Nightshade Squadron
doc format, 12 pt font, Times New Roman or Arial, minimum half of a page.
Fifth Level Crescents
It's a very easy competition if you think about it. Go off of other force
powers if you want too. I'm giving you two weeks to do this.
All entries should be emailed to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
~Clan Scholae Palatinae Oscars~
Ahhhhh! The CSP Oscars have arrived! The great Impetus will be tallying all the votes for this.
Just some details about it though. Every year around December Impetus takes in votes under ten categories of the best of whatever over the year. So these Oscars will focus on the year 2008. You can vote for anyone that qualifies for the title. Send them to Impie at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
The current categories are:
Best Summit
Best Writer
Best Wikipedian
Best Newcomer
Best IRC Personality
Best in Graphics Design
Best in HAD
Best in HC
Best in HDS
Best Overall CSP Member
Also, the best newcomer is anyone who is from the rank of Initiate to Dark Jedi Knight, who joined this year only. And you may vote yourself for any of these (as long as you qualify).
Get voting! Its like the 2008 American Presidential election but less conflict and you actually might get something from it. Yes, if you win one of the categories, you get a cool image put into your Wiki that says you won the Oscar for best der der der der derrrrrrr in the year 2008.
~Ramblings of a Crazy Ithorian~
Character Sheets. The long awaited improvement to understanding your characters has finally come out. Before it was like, Hmmmm, I think I might just put some small journey in here where I learnt how to perform the ancient art of Dulon. Of course, you would always forget that detail somewhere or another. NOW, you can say I know how to do Dulon, and/or Hapan Boxing and/or Jeswandi and/or whatever other cool named martial art I can think of! It is essential that you complete them . . . well, not really, I mean I guess you could just game and not participate in the ACC, Run-Ons, fictions, etc., etc. and still be part of the Brotherhood, but its the cool thing to do! Its like throwing glass jars off high places, its just fun to watch and look at and do! But, and get this, supposedly were not done yet! HOLY CRAP, theres more?! Maybe, rumor and slight revelations only, but plans for a possible future economy might go into place, and your Orders will be more than cool colors on your robes and sabers (I think I will be the Sith color today, to show my anger, but the Krath color tomorrow to show how scholarly I am). Wait a second? What are we setting ourselves up for? Economy? Making ourselves more alike in a single sheet? No more colors just being colors?! Oh noes! Maybe the Dark Jedi Brotherhood will turn into the Illuminati and try to take over the internet by making us into clones of each other while we bask in the hatred of all eternity for disagreeing with ourselves and our mighty ancestorial claims of freedom and justice!!!!!! Or Character Sheets are just cool.
~~~ Quote of the Week ~~~
"Execute Order 66, AGAIN!"
―Secret Apprentice One using Force Kill All Jedi
This came from Darthipedia:
Its a funny version of Wookiepedia. You should probably know that my Quotes of the week have nothing to do with anything, except themselves :)
~~~ Real Life with Scyrone ~~~
Well, what has happened to me since my last report? Well, here in Ohio, it snowed again, but this time there was more snow. And I proved many people wrong too in the process. You see last year, the Mayor of Cincinnati decided to use a crap load of salt because it got really, REALLY bad. So almost all my friends said, The mayor of Cincinnati didnt buy any new salt this year so all the streets are going to be bad. And with the first snow a few weeks ago, it was. But yesterday and today, the roads are CLEAR of snowy-like substances. And I knew that they were wrong. So yea, more snow. Also, I am playing a lot of Left 4 Dead. Zombie apocalypse-like game where you have to kill hordes and hordes of infected youth and adults are amazing games. Whats even better is that I have met a few people on there who seem to be pretty cool. The game really revolves around team work. I know it might even be a little bit too early for this, but eventually, after the GJW and the possible Feuds we are going to go through with, maybe we can find some team based games that we all have and find a time where we can work on them and actually come closer together as a team. That is what I think would be amazing.
Anyways, on Thursday afternoon my family has decided that we are all going to go down to West Virginia to visit my grandmother (since we cant be with her and her family for Christmas). I will be back Saturday night most likely. The reason I am not going to make myself LoA status is because I am bringing my laptop with and she might have a wireless internet thing going on in the basement, so I might be on, I might not. But if not then I will most likely see you all Saturday night or sometime Sunday :)
Your loving Commander,
Commander Luciferus Scyrone Leviathan
Dark Jedi Knight
House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae
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