Clan Naga Sadow Proconsul Report #23 (18th December 2008)
Dark Greetings Clan Naga Sadow,
Welcome to another addition of my report; after twenty three of them must be driving you up the wall, heh. Anyway, we've has a lot of action in the clan of late.
Read on true believers and all shall be revealed.
DB Update
1) Halc and Dalthid are back as CM and DCM. New changes in the ACC taking place.
2) Combat Master report out.
3) Our own Alexander Anderson is new LHoJ!
House Marka Ragnos
With Alaric's resignation not long ago and Derev's yesterday HMR is currently without a House Summit. Bob has asked me to temp the position of QUA along with my other jobs (I'm not really that busy, heh).
Since the only other member of the Summit is Rollmaster Jade, she is going to become acting AED for the moment along with her other duties. Bob and I are accepting applications for QUA so please send them in (see Bob's report for requirements).
For the new members who dont know about my past, I was HMR QUA before becoming PCON. All you need to do is talk to members like Jade and Zaxen to find out a bit more about me, or you can ask me directly.
Now, I am going to tell let you all into a secret... no leader is perfect or without fault; I certainly have make my share of mistake and mess ups, but I see leadership as a learning curve. I can only do my job, or any job in the DB, as long as people believe in my abilities even when at times I dont.
Being honest is the only tool I have to gain anyone's trust. At the end of the day we are here to have a good time. A leadership position isn't a job, we dont get paid for it and certainly wouldn't do it if it wasnt enjoyable.
So while I'm acting QUA my sole purpose is to create a fun and friendly atmosphere, but I cant do that without your help. So please, lend a hand.
Time To Get L:AID
L:AID is something that first come into being when I took over as QUA from Shan Long (aka Trev). Yeah, I was lucky enough to work with a man who really inspired me to put all I had into making HMR (later CNS) into a fun and interesting. So what does L:AID mean?
Leadership: Activity, Interaction, Development.
Those three things are the nuts and bolts of what it means to be a proactive and progressive leader. So lets go back to basics
Activity: This is the core element of what it means to be a DB member, and its very important if you want to be a leader but also as a standard member. Active leaders and members make a happy house and lead on to Interaction
Interaction: Ideas, feedback and comments are all a means of interaction, the Disciples of Ragnos project I started when I was QUA is a prime example of that. It was something new, something new and old members could come together and create. So to help you all, I've started a I have an idea thread in the HMR forum. Please add your thoughts on what new direction or changes HMR needs to go through. There is no such thing as a bad idea, so all will be considered, and if an idea doesn't work out when something can be worked out. Now, if you worried about putting something down then let me tell you something. We are all equal in the eyes of this club, at the end of the day I'm just a Brit sitting in the dinning room on my laptop... I have no real power... I'm just a volunteer.
Development: This is where the last two come together and we all can do something amazing, inspiring and damn right bloody enjoyable for ourselves. This is where ideas, feedback and comments are taken to the next stage. This is where a House, or a Clan, or the entire Brotherhood develops into something else. Its all twists and turns: dynamic. That's what it means to be a leader, to be a dynamic leader (or member) is the desire to want to do something... to want to listen and learn, and grow and develop.
All this is what makes me the man I am today, its a skill we can use in the real world as well as here. We are all here because we like Star Wars and pretending to be Dark Jedi is something we find fun!
So lets have fun! Thats the only goal I am setting out to do for you (as members of CNS). It's the only wisdom I can pass on to you, regardless if your going to be a leader or not. This is your time to shine, this is your time to put do something you find fun. This is your Golden Age to make into something you can be proud of and say, I did that.
Proconsul Projects
Naga Sadow Productions
Here is our Christmas production Silent Night. Hope you all enjoy it.
Proconsul Real Life
No bloody work till the 16th of January for me!!! Weeeee!!! Just means I'm going to have save my pennies. Heh.
That should be too hard as I recently got LittleBigPlanet and my god, it's addictive. Very addictive. Just a quick message for all you PS3 owners (like me). I'm going to try and create a couple of levels for us to go on, but we can also go pre-maid ones. Drop me an e-mail. :D
Dravunia, Zenovak, Jarek joined Clan Naga Sadow
Valorian has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star
Joseem Maruuch has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star
Macron Goura Sadow has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star
Tsingtao Ming has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star
Jades "Imperial" Atema has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar
Macron Goura Sadow has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar
Vladek has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star
Joseem Maruuch has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star
Aranas has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star
Ekeia Iclo has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star
Kalei Basai has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star
Zaroth Rakiroyo has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star
Zaroth Rakiroyo has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star
Ekeia Iclo has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star
Vladek has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar
Krandon Rowella has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar
Kalei Basai has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar
Krandon Rowella has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar
Jades "Imperial" Atema has been awarded a Cluster of Fire
Mitsuhide Akechi has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar
Malisane De Ath has been awarded a Steel Cross
Valorian has been awarded a Crescent with Amethyst Star
Jades "Imperial" Atema has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star
Vladek has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star
Tsingtao Ming has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar
Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar
Shadow Academy
Wiki Basics:
Advanced HTML:
Leadership Fundamentals:
Freighters and Transports:
Wiki Basics:
Dark Brotherhood Basics:
Dark Maven - History passed by Joseph Zakhaev
Advancement Survey from DJK Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia has been completed. Thanks for the feedback!
Mal'ari'carun has been promoted from Priest to Archpriest (or Battlemaster as Invictus)
Mei Ryoko has been promoted from Apprentice to Novice
Dravunia has been promoted from Apprentice to Novice
Jarek has been promoted from Apprentice to Novice
Wow, we have been an active bunch, and a week before Christmas too. Dont worry, I'll think up some fun things for everyone to do if they get bored. ;)
As always my door is always open, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just look for Ashura or ``Bandit on IRC.
Long live Naga Sadow
SBM Ashura Isradia (Sith)/PCON-M:GM/Clan Naga Sadow
GC / SC-SoA / AC-ToSL / DC-BP / GN / Cr-1R-4A-14S-13E-9T-5Q / CF-PF / DSS / SoL-TC / LoR / LS-BL / S:-2R-7Al-5C-6Rm-12P
Battlemaster Ashura Isradia, Knight First Class
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow
Magistrate to the Grand Master
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For a House that has no Summit, you guys are active :D