In an attempt to prove her worth as a Dark Jedi, Seraine Erinyes had attacked him. Viciously. He'd put up with her usurping words for his entire tenure as Aedile under current Proconsul Hel-Pa Sklib, and had more recently been the target of those same words as the Quaestor of Ektrosis.
Though they needed their strength for this coming storm, the Archpriest would not take it any longer. The main hangar bay of the Cotelin-class Star Destroyer was massive, yet he found himself cornered by the Dark Adept.
The battle had lasted for what seemed like hours, with a curous lack of response from any authority; Consolur or Military. At the end, a badly injured Twi'lek limped away from the battle, beaten, battered, thoroughly scarred and wounded, from an equally well worn Human Female. He had secured his position from her advances for at least a little while. This time.
For now, he had to reset his shin bone before the skin tore any more.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Some quick house news. A new Battleteam Leader system has been adopted by the Clan Summit. The effects of this took effect yesterday, so we would like to thank Dark Jedi Knight Lokasena Corvinus for his work and patience with us in our own effort to revamp the house's BT's. We will be opening up the position for applications soon, so look for an email.
-Operation: Resurgence is in full swing! Do the ACC event if you are qualified. There is always the fiction event to do if ACC isn't your thing! Also, the 1st of January will be the start of the Clan RO. Website is here.
-There is a new Battleteam System being put into place. Look out for emails regarding this.
-Jac has returned to us! And by us, I mean Dinaari. And by Dinaari, I mean Old Folks Home.
-Holiday merit medals, clan awards, and promos should be out soon! Be on the look out if you are deserving!
-Character Sheets, Order Robes, Order Saber Hilts, and Order Warbanners are now available, all compliments of the Herald and Deputy Grand Master.
-There is a new intiative to have everyone available ready to be qualified in the ACC. Clans will now be responsible for the training and qualifiaction, per the final ok of the CM, of their members. Those of you unfamilliar with the ACC should hit a leader up for some information on this!
-Halc is CM again. Don't Worry, he's still Tal, so we'll have him the upcomming GJW.
-GJW scedualed for late januray, early February.
-The new SW MMO set to release next year will not have the BEST available graphics, and won't be super realistic. Why? Well, when all games look real, they want to set themself apart with what they call Creative Realism. Cool huh?
-How many lego's does it take to make a cool Star Wars set? I don't know, but 60,000 about right.
-You like bowling? You like Star Wars? Excellent. Then these may be for you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Quintan Tylax:
Obelisk Core <-- great work!
Sith Core <-- impressive!
Krath Core <-- Seriously, get a life!
Krath Poetry
Krath Grammer Studies
ACC Initiates Course
General Leadership
Conflict Mediation
ACC Initiates Course
Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo:
ACC Initiates Course <-- yay! It only took eight tries!
Sidarace Rathden:
Sith Core <-- woo!
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Sidarace Rathden:
Crescent with Sapphire
Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama:
Legion of the Scholar
Te Me Nekaka:
Dark Cross <-- Congratualtions
Vodo Biask:
Crescent Amethyst
Quintan Tylax:
Dark Cross <-- Woo!
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None to report! =(
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Operation: Resurgence!!!! Do it! Do it now!
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-**Dark Jedi Brotherhood **
-**Clan Taldryan **
-**DB Wiki **
-**DB Message Boards **
-Consul Shadow Taldrya [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-Proconsul Hel-Pa Sklib [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-House Ektrosis Quaestor Vodo Biask [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-House Ektrosis Aedile Sidarace Rathden [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
-**Battleteam Leader Phoenix Phyle TBA
An Older Video, but I think we all enjoyed it the first time enough to see it again
<- **
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