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Report 6 - December 25, 2008 - 30 ABY
"Deck the Halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la la la la laaaa." Robin sings as she puts together the last of the little holiday surprise for members of the House. At the bottom of each five-inch cubed container Hawk laid a bit of _Tortula Muralis or commonly known as wall scew-moss. It's red and green properties tie-in with the holiday theme. On top of the moss, Robin carefully placed a __Mistletoe. The green leaves and white berries add a nice compliment to the whole package. __After giving each a spray of water, the plant lover sealed up each transparent container then ties it with a red ribbon.
Getting a droid (dressed like an ewok) to do most of her delivery work, double checking her naughty list, as they go out. ".....and Dante, Blade, Koskian, Prajna, Reiden, RenNi, Matt,...Anarya and Korvyn. I don't want to know what those two do with it....and this one be fast about," she says while pointing at the name that reads 'Lucien' on it. "Ahh, not this one." Stoping the droid before taking the last one, "__I will deliver this one myself." Washing the dirt from her hands, tidying her hair and straightening her robes. She headed out of the lab with the package.
Approaching the double doors she listened before entering. One familiar female voice and one not so, plus a very noted man's voice were muffled by the thickness of the grand-door between her and the others. Attuning her senses she concentrated a bit more on the voices and she did not like what she heard. Bursting through the doors and throwing the wrappings of the package, she carefully put together, on the floor. She approached the throne, grabbing the mistletoe and putting it above her and Thran's head. Then, she kissed him on the cheek and said: "Merry Sithmas Thran." Grinning boastfully at the other two women while he recovered.
BTW Happy New Year and Happy DB New Year (long forgotten)
As I said in my last report, prepare yourself for the GJW. To help you do this, the Summit has created a two-week House feud. The intended date for this to start is December 28th, 2008. Do as much as you can, it's good practice for the War ahead. Any Journeyman who is qualified in ACC is welcome to challenge me. Again, I have a couple of secret projects in the works. Part of one might also be in the next issue of the Royal Gazzet. Stay 'Tooned'. _:P _
I would like to announce that the following have a new character sheet approved; (please make it stop :P)
JUST IN!!! I have recently found out that the new Dark Paladin of CSP is none other then our own Prajna Berkana. It will be an honour to go into war holding high the Clan's banner next to you. Congrats!
Has it been two-weeks already. LIES! << >>. Sorry nothing to show in regard to my Fan Film project, but I 'light-heartily" blame Christmas. Tuesday I went out to our local LCBO and bought $90 (ouch) worth of booze. I blame Thran and a friend who introduced me to Appleton's rum....nuff said.
**I think this is turning back into an Obby house but keep up the great work on those Clusters of Fire. Congrats also to Korvyn and Pho for getting a Dark Cross.
<li>ICTE of 6 December 2008
Angelo Dante - **Cluster of Fire* = 4
Luke Morin - **Cluster of Fire* = 3
Matt Adler -* Cluster of Fire = 3
*Prajna Berkana - **Cluster of Fire = 2
<li>ICTE of 13 December 2008
Matt Adler -* Cluster of Fire = 13
*Angelo Dante - **Cluster of Fire = 4
Luke Morin - **Cluster of Fire* = 2
Earning himself a Ruby Star goes out to Matt Adler for becoming All-Star of ICTE of December 13
<li>ICTE of 20 December 2008
***Matt Adler -** Cluster of Fire *= 8
<li>Gaming Nights from 12/1/2008 to 12/12/2008
Matt Adler -* Cluster of Fire **= 1
<li>Gaming Nights from 12/14/2008 to 12/19/2008
***Prajna Berkana - Cluster of Fire = 21
**Angelo Dante* - Cluster of Fire = 7
**Matt Adler -* Cluster of Fire = 84</li>
- Dark Cross*Korvyn Elvendar - DJB Character Sheet Beta Tester*Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine - Original idea being the "Rise of the Rebellion"
HDS Competition Entries
CSP Competition Entries
DJB Competition Entries
**3rd - Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana - Sapphire Cresent
**None - :(
Based on what I said two-weeks ago about Journeymen in competition to complete their SA's and having the most done. Our winner is Anarya having completed two and getting 100 in ACC, Wohoo! What does she win? Well, nothing. But good job all the same.
<li>Matt Adler - ACC Initiates </li>
Again set yourself that goal. Aim to do at least one Shadow Academy course a week. If you are really really busy, as we all are, aim to answer five questions a week. Every good leader isn't good until they have also put themselves through the challenge. I think the next course I will complete is my Advance HTML. Journeymen, please note, the Shadow Academy occasionally brings back some of the currently unavailable courses, I have heard word that the next will be in January. Do them while you can. You may not see them for a long, long time after that.
If you finish a certain set of courses passing at 85% or higher, you are given the right and honour of getting a Maven. Upon passing the required courses, the following have received such a degree;
Battles - Maximus Raidoner (Winner) vs. Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana (Timed Out - tsk, tsk tsk) - Gabrànth Ondörè (Winner) vs. SBM Derev Niroth
ACC Rank Increase
Gabrànth Ondörè - Neophyte
<table width="340" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bordercolor="#333333"><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td width="53%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" scope="col"> MASTER </td><td width="8%" bgcolor="#000000" scope="col">:</td><td width="39%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" scope="col"> APPRENTICE </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td> Prajna Berkana </td><td>:</td><td> Tollo </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td> Robin Hawk </td><td>:</td><td> RenNi Tyron </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td> Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana </td><td>:</td><td> Anarya Elvendar </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><td colspan="3">
Apprentices (To Be)
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">
Amritsu Van
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">
Shuan Waott
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">
Dak Onasi
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">
Luke Morin
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">
Matt Adler
<li>RH Report Trivia #1 - Robin Hawk - Due January 8th, 2009 </li>
<li>Star Wars and CSP Trivia - Matt Adler - *Due December 27th, 2008 *</li>
<li>CSP Recruitment Drive - Robin Hawk - *First part due December 1st *
(REMINDER, send me in who you recruited and what rank you help get them to.)</li>
<li>Article Stimulus Package - Reiden Karr - ** Due Dec 31st**</li>
<li>Proconsul's Monthly Fiction ** - Thran Occasus - Due Dec 31st**</li>
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
~ Jack Handey, "Deep Thoughts"
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