Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Exar Shadow Battle Team Leader Report:

Cethgus sat in his office, like always he had been kept busy lately, and with things only going to get better in the long run. Writing on a data pad he had finished all of the paperwork and was now looking forward to having a small break, but with Ralph taking some time to rest he doubted that he would be able to any time soon. As the night grew on him, he knew that it wouldn't be a long one, half the work he wanted to be done had to be rechecked along with another lot of work.

After a few hours the Obelisk stood up and walked out of his office as he walked down the halls a few of the members stared at him. Shaking his head he just continued on to a balcony though the view could be better. He had the time to just stand there and admire it, for once as the wind blew over the Obelisk he let go of all of his worries and just enjoyed being able to look at such a place and not worry about war or death. AS he stood there a person joined him on the balcony and smiled "Nice isn't it"



Christmas! Well it was Christmas yesterday so I would like to say to everyone happy Christmas I guess, I hope you all had a great day, and remember that I wish you a very merry late Christmas J. So that is that said.

What is coming in the future? Well there is one main thing that we should all take the time to remember, and that is the Great Jedi War. It is vastly approaching and we need to be ready to go out there and give it everything we have. We are not just going in there for self gain, we are going in as a clan to prove that we as a clan are better than any other. A force to be reasoned with and something that they will not mistake again.

Where do I hope to take this team? Well I can all answer that question, with the Great Jedi War coming up, I know that each one of you has the capability to make sure that Clan Plaguies achieves victory in the GJW, so lets get back and be ready for real activity from all of you.


I would like to congratulate everyone on the team who has got a medal this month, and tell you all to keep the hard work up. Participating in competitions is an easy way to achieve medals, so just keep up the hard work and I hope to see medals from you all next week as well, so without delay the following medals have been given out this week:

Kara Rohana – Steel Cross, Crescent with Emerald Star

Mehrunes – CF's x3

Shadow Academy:

Ok, this week it seems that we have been lacking when it comes to the Shadow Academy, I know most of you think that you don't have to do any exams. But I would like to take the time to encourage you all to participate in the Shadow Academy. It is a great way to learn about the brotherhood, Star Wars or just pick up a talent for HTML coding. So go have fun and take some Academy Exams.


I would like to say that I know a few of you are currently in qualifying matches, and would like to say thank you to you all. And I would like to remind you all that the ACC is a great way of providing activity for you all. It is a way to interact with other members and fight against their characters, weather it is friends or foes. You can always have fun.


I would like to say we huge well done to Runes who has got promoted this week to the rank of Guardian, so congratulations and we hope to see you working towards the rank of Dark Jedi Knight! Keep up the great work and activity. And I hope to see more promotions from the rest of you in the near future.

Serving in Darkness


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