Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Hey Cestus,

Greetings Cestus, a new year is upon us and from what I know of my comrades of this great house its going to be a phenomenal one.

The GJW is approaching rapidly, as we are busy honing our skills. To each member of this house, I say that it doesn’t matter your rank or position that determines your outcome; but your drive, determination and love of Star Wars that produces results. So keep kicking butt so I have more to add to my Rollmaster reports 



  1. Awesome Stick Figures – (GRAPHICS) – Extended *01/03

  1. My Gift to the Clan – (WRITING/GRAPHICS) – Extended *01/03


  1. [Cestus] Who fell first? – (WRITING) – 01/10


SBM Tek Cicero Dantes from the Rogues

APP Denzel Kor


Jaron to GRD – Congratulations!


Kazarelth has been awarded a Legion of the Scholar

Hurdrych has been awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star

Jaron has been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star

Kazarelth has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star

Shadow Academy:

Ronovi has passed the Wiki Basics course

Food for Thought:

What we do today, right now, will have an accumulated effect

on all our tomorrows.

~Alexandra Stoddard

With closing, I would like to say its been a honor to be the Rollmaster of this great house and I look forward to continuing to do so. This is a great house, with great people.

JH Vai Azexel


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