Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hey guys,

Since it is just the three of us at the moment I'll keep this informal and short =P

We need to boost the numbers in our Battle Team to be able to host more competitions than the Triangle Challenge comp which I will explain soon. So if either of you feel like taking it upon yourself to recruit some people, go for it there may even be something in it for you haha.


Donos is running a poetry comp, write two haiku about tarentum and send them in, check your inboxes for details.

Triangle Challenge. The bassic jist is, I give you three points (a place, event and object/thing) and you write something (maximum of 1000 words) in any format... even haiku. The points for this week are: Castle Tarentum, Promotion, Carrot.

AWOL Policy

... Is on the wiki, which is down, but it boils down to; Compete in competition, stay in BT for a Month. Otherwise communication with me every 2 weeks. It isn't a lot to ask really, one triangle challenge every month isn't that taxing :P


In Darkness,

The Much Honoured, Archpriest Windos Helkin Tarentae

Tetrarch of the Keepers of the Night

Aedile Emeritus of House Gladius

Prefect and Champion of Tarentum

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