Shadow Academy End of Year Competitions: The Results


Shadow Academy End of Year Competitions: The Results

We had eleven entries for the Test of Kill, one of which got lost due to an "oops". The member sending that one in has been compensated with a shared 3rd place - it wasn't his fault that the course's EP overlooked the marker.

The winners are:

1st: Arania Lawakiro (Scholae Palatinae)- only one about which Spears and I were of one opinion :-P
2nd: Anubis (Scholae Palatinae)
3rd: Pimp Benevolent Whiner (Taldryan)
3rd: Dark Traveller (Exar Kun)

Most mocked course in this competition was the Meditation one. I was amazed to see only one attempt at the leadership course.

Also, one of the two courses Arania made fun of was the most unlikely one to be chosen - the Obelisk Test of Skill. See for yourself!. Add to that a nice parody on the Sith Tactics and you have a win.
Anubis was the best of the many meditators - we learned such valuable facts like that Hutts can't use the Sit Stand method and what he reserves his lifeforce for...
Benevolent Whiner used ASP Prfogramming 1 and programmed... the ASP ANIMAL!!! And he kept that quite well throughout. Only submission with a theme.
Dark Traveller had the Krath Core course and from what I had seen from the quick glance I was able to take before it got nixed, it would likely have placed high too.

Honorable mentions to RevengeX and Ma'arkhan. They were the next in line.

Then, the One for a Million attempts. Only three here, so that was a free medal. Spears and I completely disagreed about the placing of one attempt, so this one had to be resolved by averaging place numbers as well.

Arania (Scholae Palatinae) thus scores a second - narrow - win, with an attempt that actually makes her gain quite some useful stuff. If the recipients don't sell it on ebay, that is. You'd have to closely know the folks though to appreciate some of the humor as the choices were rather personal.
Kir Katarn (Taldryan) gets second with stuff you'd get back from about everyone. He also scores brownie points for donating exclusively to the DC. Well, he would, if we'd like the stuff.
Third goes to Telona Murrage (Tarentum), also with an attempt that is sometimes personal...

All three were rather well thought out though, so deserved medals even if there were no more entries than those 3.

A few gems (from random submissions):

For Jac - A voucher for a weekend at a five star spa including a pedicure, manicure, facial, mud bath, massage, hair cut and perm with highlights, and a waxing. Priced at $15,000.
For Oberst - A 1974 Winnebago, no air or heating and gets 3 miles to the gallon. Priced at $100,000.
Kaiann – collection of all the good rap, salsa, reggae, tribal, soul, rai and metal albums that came out over the last 40 years, $25000 – VERY sure to get it back, although I might need to avoid sharp CDs flying at my neck with great velocity.
Saitou – A sauna world with several saunas, complete with garden, steamroom and ice cave, aroma showers and 2 pools for cold and very cold water, 849000. He hates sauna, and I’d also make sure it would be in Germany :o)
For Kaine - AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) handbook for being longest serving DC member ($10)
For CG - Whatever he wants, as long as he continues to do our website stuff ($500,000)

(the latter shows someone values our site at over $500k... we should sell it and use the money to get a new one :-P)

Congrats to the winners and thanks to all who took part. Medals are in the mail ;-)

Should I be more offended by the AARP thing or the fact that my prize is only $10?

(Funny either way I suppose)

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