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Report 8 - January 22nd, 2009 - 30 ABY
_As the Rebellion attacks, known as 'The Cause', have temporarily deceased. Hawk was taking the opportunity to clean up her office, the lab and to mess around in Cluaran Leana. She didn't at all find these task deliberating, but quite enjoyable and a great stress reliever. Once and awhile she would take the opportunity to study more of the Valerian Thorn, a recent addition to her collection. As well, she has been itching to check out the various samples collected from the infamous Ood Bnar Sythe'rae, a Neti. Whenever he visits CSP, she occasionally collects a sample. After all he is _plant based.
OKay, I realized I have been on a little bit of a rant lately, so I am going to keep this report positive....and apparently lacking.
Keeping you up to date with my Star Wars Fan Film progress, I have started to put the scenes together. I was hoping to show you a teaser, but that will have to wait till next report.
I don't know if I had mentioned this before but I was introduced to the 501st last Spring. Some of who will actually be a part of the fan film. I got excited to hear more about them and made a decision to join. My first costume being Visas Marr, unfortunately have have not been accepted yet but am working with a seamstress now to finalize some of the finishing touches. Also...:)....I started another project which I will tell you about in my next report.
Nada. With the site down, it is really hard to do so. I probably could have gotten at least 3 newbs, but I have been at least showing them the wiki. Telling them vocally as much as I can. Sometimes it is better to be more personal when it comes to recruiting.
Wait for this section to explode once the site is up.
HDS Competition Entries
CSP Competition Entries - Not until Site is back up
DJB Competition Entries - Not until Site is back up
Site down, not available TO SUBMIT.
ACC Rank Increase
<table width="340" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bordercolor="#333333"><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td width="53%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" scope="col"> MASTER </td><td width="8%" bgcolor="#000000" scope="col">:</td><td width="39%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" scope="col"> APPRENTICE </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td> Prajna Berkana </td><td>:</td><td> Tollo </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td> Robin Hawk </td><td>:</td><td> RenNi Tyron </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td> Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana </td><td>:</td><td> Anarya Elvendar </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td> (no master) </td><td>:</td><td> Nihil Zayne </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td> (no master) </td><td>:</td><td> Gabrànth Ondörè </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3">
</td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><td colspan="3"> Apprentices (To Be) </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#333333" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Shuan Waott </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Amritsu Van </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Luke Morin </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Dak Onasi </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Telka </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Logan Shadowhawk </td></tr><tr align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><td colspan="3"> Issan Opuurin </td></tr></table>
[ROAR] Traitors in the Mist - Thran Occasus - DONE - awards will be award once site is up DJB BASED
New Years Console Comp - Angelo Dante - DONE - awards will be award once site is up
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
~ Jack Handey, "Deep Thoughts"
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