Aedile Report


Aedile Report

_The sole of the boot clicked rhythmically on the cold stone to some unheard melody. The Aedile sat, perched on the windowsill, any image of the tundra beyond obscured by condensation. Vivackus' fingers glided across the glass, in their wake, streaks of a blizzard visible across the threshold. His face showed idle amusement, though his mind was racing. Swinging his legs down the Dark Jedi Knight made a small hop from his perch.

Vivackus tapped a single key on his computer terminal and said, "Prep me a shuttle for Kaspina." Not waiting for a response, he strolled out of the Aedile's office, whistling audibly. _

I had wanted to wait until the website was back up before another report, but seeing as there hasn't been any news for you HSKers in a while, I might as well do it now.


The website is still down. For anyone who is supremely bored, I suggest updating your wiki page.

As you all should also know, GJW IX has been pushed back until the start of March. This means we still have plenty of time for preparation.

To reiterate our game-plan, anyone not yet ACC qualified will still have plenty of time to do a qualification battle with those of us who are.

Our Gaming Captain, Cethgus has set up an email account specifically for gaming: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

For further information on the gaming side of things, check out Ceth's report here:

For the fiction side, we have another email account created:

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

During the GJW, any fiction you wish to have proofread can be sent to the above address and within 48 hours, we will respond to you and hopefully help you improve your writing.

Also, as the Fiction Captain, I'm going to continue with my emails "The Vong and You" to hopefully educate those of you less familiar about the Vong.


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