Behaviour in #DB


Behaviour in #DB

Well Ladies and Gentlemen...
...This has been a long time coming, and I have the unfortunate duty of announcing it. The general level of behaviour (or lack thereof) in #DB, sucks. I have tried not to be too harsh on restricting free flow of conversation, as long as everyone has been content to just sit back and join in, but seemingly, many people haven't been content, and have been for some reason neglecting to tell me that they're not content.

First lesson for members in the DB: If you wanna bitch about people misbehaving... bitch to the guy who can DO something about it.

Regardless, the topics in #DB have been flying randomly to intense sexual descriptions, to in depth conversations about illicit narcotics and their effects, to generally just lacking respect for one another... and I must be the first to admit, I let the problem get out of hand by not smacking it down faster. Well, I have recently just sent an email to all the Operators of #DB to not so politely remind them that the channel has a PG-13 rating from the hours of 5am-11pm EST. This is not to say that the hours of 11pm-5am are unrestricted. Those hours simply don't HAVE to follow the PG-13 rating, and basically just gets upped to a 'mature discussion' period.

Now I am issuing a warning to you, the Brotherhood, any conversation that goes this way in the normal operating hours, will be punished. Anyone who goes to extremes and fails to heed the request of members during the 'off-hours' of the channel will be punished. Any Op failing to nip these conversations at the bud will be punished.

Basically people, here's the easiest way to figure if you're crossing the acceptible lines... if you look at your conversation and can't picture it taking place on 'The Simpsons' then it's inappropriate. Now, if you want to try to play games, just remember that in the end, the ops are the ones who get to decide whether or not your conversation is appropriate... and I'll let everyone know this right now... I'm going to side with the op if he or she deems you to be crossing the line.

Use some sense people, have some respect, and refer to the IRC Guidelines for Behaviour in the Announcements section of the Message Board.

In Justice,
Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,
Justicar of the Dark Brotherhood

Wielder of the Giant Stick of Smacking you Senseless

*watches yacks stroke his wooden club and call people boyo"

mmmm wood

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