Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Galeres Quaestor Report

Report #5 02.2.09

The site's back up now, and my internet is suppose to be back to normal as well now, we'll see how long it lasts.

Galeres News

Remember to fill out the ATR on the Arcona website when you do anything – this'll help us out when it comes to seeing what people have done in regards to promotions and rewards, link is at the end of the report.

JS released a Blue Mist Report

New Executor for the month – Archer Merchant, and usual round of applause for JS being Imperator of the month for the 3rd time in a row, medals are in the post

DB and Arcona News

Site's back up now

Arcturus Xyler put up the Naruba Investments on the wiki

Black Tempest has ended, except for the Run On

The ACC ladder was concluded

Zandro was made an Arconae

Don't take any SA exams – the HM, Aabsdu can't guarantee the system will save them and they can't be marked just yet

CM released a report

HM released a mini-report

DGM released a report


DB wide



Arcona Trivia MK.V

Black Tempest Run On


Black Hand – Imperator

Black Hand – Executor


Blue Mist



Malidir was awarded 3 SoF

Real Life

My internet has been acting up for the past week and a half, apparently the Uni said it's suppose to be fixed now, but it really feels like a waiting game for it to go down again. So if you send me an email, and I don't reply, it's most likely that reason.

Important Links






Email me and Tirna if you need help with anything, we both operate an open door policy. Have a good week.


Quaestor of House Galeres

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