Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Quaestor's Office in the Dragon's Citadel


Tra'an was in mid stroke with a pen when he sensed a presence approaching the room. Many found it odd that the Quaestor still chose to maintain some records by hand in formalized script, but none were foolish enough to say something about it, at least not within his hearing. Tra'an opened the door with the Force, and almost broke out laughing as Timbal feel face first onto the hard floor. The former Quaestor rolled over and looked up at Tra'an. "Cooch.... Cooch is....," a loud burp and then silence as Timbal fell asleep.

"Cooch is back. Yes, I can tell." A smile and a laugh of mirth filled the office for a few seconds before silence and solemnity returned. "Kalak, you and Koryn get up here. I need you to return Timbal to his room. It seems Cooch still has some of the Alderaanian Ale hidden away." A double click followed shortly by another indicated both of them were on their way up to retrieve the sleeping human. Tra'an returned to his work, a smirk across his face as he started to whistle the marching tune for the Kraken Regiment.


Clan Business

As most of you are aware, Lucien has resigned his post as Consul and chosen to leave the DB. He sends his regards and wishes us the best of luck. Through personal communication, he has said that he believes in us, and knows that we can dethrone Taldryan. So on his behalf, I urge you to activity. Don't let his sacrifices be in vain.

In the meantime, Thran is Acting CON until such time as he is appointed, or someone else is. Respect Him as you would any Con. Do as he asks, and listen to his advice.

We should hear from the DC about CON on or around the 15th of February.

House Business

Koryn made me these really spiffy report headers, and I have no idea how to use them in Gmail or in the report administration. Thanks and Mad Props go out to him, with hopes that soon I can use them and show you the hard work he did on them. And he did it before he even knew he would get to use the Roll Master ones!

There's an RO going on, and I expect everyone to post at least once. I'd prefer you to post at least four times. The more work you put into this folks, the more feedback the summit can give you towards preparing for the upcoming GJW.

There's also this really neat flash game competition currently in the works thanks to the RM's of all three houses. It's quick and easy. You want a shot at easy shinies? DO IT!

I'm in the process of updating the Antenora page on the wiki, with Kalak's help. I may dragoon some of you into it at a later point, only if I get really bogged down though.

I'm hard at work on the Tribes of Antenora. This is a project begun by Rev, and I want to finish it. Wouldn't you like to know who lives where on our home planet, what their allegiances are, and what they're good at? This will have all of that and more. I'll release a tidbit in my next report.

Also, send your congrats to Kalak and Koryn for their new spots in the Summit.

Activity is CRITICAL, I can't express this enough. Folks, our House is one of the smallest Houses in the Entire Brotherhood. Guys and Gals, if we can't stay active, THEY WILL CLOSE US.

Kalak and I have been pushing you to stay active, and honestly, that's one of the big reasons why. You deserve to know why we push you so hard. We believe in you, we want you to get shinies, and we want to stay a family. This House is effectively My Home, and I don't want to lose you all because of a weak time. So please, get active.

If there's enough interest, I'll put together a 2+2 ACC comp. I recently got Qualified, and DJM Halc has told me that the Clan Halls are open for use. So I'll gladly hone my skill against you, and help you hone yours in the process. I'll also help you qualify if you want.

There are other competitions in the works, including one thatÂ’s currently slotted for July, to be run by Kalak. It's a doozy folks, something I'll think you'll have a lot of fun with, and will give YOU a chance to get immortalized in House History.

Keep your eye on your inboxes. Within the next week, every member of this mailing list will receive a personal email from me, with some questions I'd like you to take some time to think about and respond to. Your answers will be private, and known only to Kalak, Koryn, and myself.

These answers will help us plot our course post GJW, and help keep you happy and interested.

Brotherhood Business

Two big things.

Update your personal wikis and get them current. I'm shooting for being fully updated before the GJW begins, to help us run our RO better, as well as do fiction better.

When constructing your New Character Sheets, do not construct one dimensional "fighter characters". These Character Sheets are more versatile, and are meant to reflect who your character actually is. I have ten points on mine that are effectively useless in the ACC, but they're there to reflect my ability with ships. Instinctive Piloting and Instinctive Astrogation make is possible for me to do things fictionally that I can't do without them. The Run Ons and the fiction for the GJW will be balanced AGAINST your New Character Sheets. If it isn't on your CS, or believable close to it, you WILL be most likely docked points. This has been alluded to in the recent post by DJM Halc. I suggest you take it seriously.

Personal Business

I'm a graduating senior at Saint Leo University. What does this mean to you? I'm busy. It is also why I've been off IRC for sometime now. My university's external IP address has been banned from undernet because someone else on campus keeps tripping the auto gline for viruses. I'm in discussion with my roommate about going dutch on cable internet, but it hasn't gone anywhere yet. If you need me, Email or Gmail chat are great ways to catch me.

The last week of April through the first week of May, I will be on LOA as I graduate and move home again. My availability after that is dependent on my finding a job.

OT Tra'an Reith (Obelisk)/QUA/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:1]

AC / DC-CP / BN / Cr-3A-1S-5E-3T-1Q / DSS-BL / SoL / LS-AgL / S:-4Rm-8P

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