The Rollmaster stood next to one of his friends, looking across a hall were some of the other members were eating. As the two of them stood there wondering what they were going to do for the day. As the two Obelisks stood there their eyes looking over the hall, wondering if anyone would speak to them, or instead they would just be left alone for a while. As the prelate turned to face his friend, he allowed a smile to come across his lips How are you doing today then? his voice rippled through the air to the male who was with him.
Ralph turned and looked at Cethgus, he began to talk with the Prelate. The two of them normally talked about most things together, using the time to just relax and get away from a lot of work that they had. It was just time that was going to be passed, though most of the people around were just eating some had noticed the two figures just standing there.
Well, the first news is that the site is back up and working. Well that means that everyone can now be active. We havent got to long before the GJW is going to start. You will all have to keep a look out for gaming captains sending emails out. But at the same time I would recommend that you email them if you have an questions.
If you need anything at all in the brotherhood all you have to do is send an email. Sometimes you can catch people on IRC but in all honesty the best way to get answers is to email them. Just remember that and keep that in mind if you need to get in touch with a leader, and if you do email them be patient and wait for the reply.
I would like to say that since the site came back up, there have been a lot of medals given out, I would like to say well done to everyone who has got a medal recently. I would also like to say to everyone to keep the good work up, if you put the effort into things you get the rewards. Remember this and I will say that if you are going to participate in the GJW there is a lot there for you to try and achieve, so everyone keep the activity up, the following medals were won this week:
Kyrth Crescent with Emerald Star
Sang Crescent with Topaz Star
Torin Crescent with Amethyst Star, Crescent with Emerald Star
Mehrunes Crescent with Sapphire Star
Kodias Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Emerald Star
Mograine Crescent with Emerald Star x2
Bal Crescent with Emerald Star x2, Crescent with Amethyst Star
Cassandra CFs x34
Shadow Academy:
I would like to let everyone know that the exams are getting marked it just take a while, but I would like to see a lot of you start to take exams again. They are a great way to make sure that you can progress in the brotherhood, and open many doors to promotions, awards. I would strongly recommend that you look into taking as many exams as you can, who knows what they can get me up to. The following exams have been taken:
Sanguinius IRC Basics, History of the Sith Empire I, Training saber basics
Fang Brotherhood Basics, History of the Sith Empire I
Aeshi Training saber basics
I am taking some time just to remind everyone that there is still time to qualify in the ACC, as long as you put your mind to it, you can do the qualification. If you wish to do a qualification battle feel free to email someone, I am sure something can be arranged. Just remember that it is better to be done now than later, so that is the plan. And of course if everyone that has qualified, I would recommend that you start getting practise in.
I would like to say a massive well done to everyone that has been promoted. You each are taking steps towards making the rank of Dark Jedi Knights. I know times have been hard since the site has been down and other things, But well done to each of you who continued to complete their requested requirements. And of course I wish you the best of luck in aiming to progress further, so with out delay the following promotions were seen:
Novice Sanguinius to Acolyte Sanguinius
Novice Aeshi to Acolyte Aeshi
Apprentice Fang to Novice Fang
Last words:
I would like to remind each of you that you all have the potential to do great things. It is each of you who decides if you will let these things happen, or if you will just let them slip by, this GJW is a chance to reach out and grab your potential.
Serving in Darkness
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