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<td width="676" valign="top">February 11th, 2009
The air was full of celebration, at least within the halls of the Imperial Palace. Thran Occasus, mighty Sith warrior, had finally claimed the throne. While entirely too confident in himself, the mood of those who would come to work under him was a bit less obvious. Some of them were clearly ready to give anything for their new Emperor, others already wanted him dead. There had been an attempt on his life already, it was a poor choice by The Cause it only pissed off the Emperor. The party had gone off without a hitch, and now it was time for him to get to work.
He sat down in his mighty throne, a significant upgrade from the uncomfortable excuse for a throne he had been occupying. Lucien was gone, He was Emperor. There would be no holding him back. Occasus the Usurper, even his Tyrant name was the beginning of a new Era, settled down next to his assistant.
You look different, Em. He commented.
Did you change your hair? he asked.
You noticed. She replied calmly.
Of course I did. You look good. The brown gives you a certain I dont know what.
Thank you, Milord. She said with a curtsey, still unsure if it was indeed a compliment.
Thran filed the Report that he had thrown together and watched her dart across the room, checking in on various items of interest. He liked her as a brunette, more so than he did as a blonde. She looked more mysterious, and frankly more intelligent. Before, he was just her boss, and she maintained strict rules about those kinds of relations. Now, he was the Emperor, royalty, he could envision the line already. It was some cheesy line involving her being his queen, and he was sure it would work.
He beckoned her to the throne. He began. You know Emily, Ive been thinking Im the Emperor now I kind of need a Q-
He was interrupted. The gigantic doors of the Throne room swung open, and behind them stood Robin Hawk, who rushed into the room.
Goddamnit Thran thought to himself. He finally had the courage to go after his Secretary, and Robin Hawk ruined it.
She came to the throne and snapped to attention. Robin Hawk, Checking in Milord. Are you safe? she said, with some crazed fanaticism in her voice.
Thran looked at the throne room, peppered with Sentinel, his Royal Guard, Ava Armada, and a host of other very well paid loyal employees. He was flabbergasted to think that she believed she was protecting him. She was a Sith Warrior. He was Emperor and a Battlelord. He didnt NEED her to protect him, but he humored her.
Yes, Miss Hawk, I am safe. He replied.
Are you sure? She asked.
Thran nodded to the Guard. Their polished black helmets stood between the Emperor and the eager Hawk. Step by step, they pushed her from the Throne room. At the door, Ava Armada, chief Security advisor to the Emperor smiled at Robin. Visitation by appointment only, love. The door shut.
The day went by, with the Emperor taking turns at his stations. Hed go to the Throne, then down to his drawing board, then over to the internal review. The Clan was a mess, held together by little more than spit and money.
Ava Armada interrupted him. Sire, a Mr. Dakari here to see you. She said.
Show him in. the Emperor replied.
Yes, sire. And the others with him? the Zabrak asked.
Show them in, Ava. I havent got time for this. The Emperor said curtly.
Dakari led the group into the room. He was joined by nearly all of the Palpatines. All of them seemed angry, save Phoenix. Phoenix had seen this coming for some time, hed expected it while he was Emperor, but did everything he could to prevent it. With a nod to the Emperor, Phoenix acknowledged the victory Thran had achieved.
Timbal was particularly angry. He hated Occasus. Twice this week he has brought him from the Bridge of his Star Destroyer, and Timbal was bitter.
Dakari spoke, supposedly for the whole group. We wanted to wish you good luck. He said.
Thran looked up from his work, looked them over and put his head back down. Phoenix eyed what Occasus was working on, unsure of what it was. Thran spoke I appreciate your show of good will, Gentlemen. However, if you will excuse me, I am busy trying to save this clan.
The confused Palpatines were ushered out of the Thran-Room, as the Emperor had begun to call it. In the hall, they stood, baffled. Timbal stomped around like a little child, he was furious.
As Timbal cursed, Dakari asked of the others What do you suppose he is doing in there?
They all added their speculations, except for Phoenix.
Hell run the Palpatines into the ground! Timbal said.
Nah, Phoenix said, leaning up against one of the pillars. He needs us. If we dont back him, he will crash and burn. Ill bet hes in there right now, coming up with some way to bribe us into supporting him. Hes a lot smarter than he looks, Timbal. I think if you put aside hate of him and looked at him objectively hes the best thing to happen to us in years.
Dakari nodded, he hated to admit it, but the slimey worm that now lived in the Throne room had the potential to do great and terrible things. Now was critical for the Clan, the could either align with their new leader, or face certain doom.
Timbal only cursed and stomped his feet. He didnt like this; one bit.
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.: News :. </td>
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<li>**Thran the Usurper:** Thats right. Im the Consul. Deal with it :P </li>
<li>SA!!!:Alright The SA got Haxx0red. Dont take any SA courses till we get the green light!</li>
<li>Choosing a PCON:PCON will be announced by this weekend. It is not open to applications; I have asked several people who I think would be good candidates to complete a simple test. I will go on from there.</li>
<li>HC AED:House Caliburnus Aedile= Luciferus Scyrone Yay! </li>
<li>Priest of Lore:Kalak = Priest of Lore (Does all the nobility stuff) </li>
<li>Promos:Rayne = DJK. Congrats Rayne! </li>
li>Email Competition:Reply to the Coronation of Thran Email for your chance to write clan historyand win some nice shineys
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.: Props :. </td>
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<td width="676" valign="top">Props this week go out to me. Cause
I am the Emperor, and I get a one week period of self-celebration, It comes with the job.</td>
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.: Projects :. </td>
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<td width="676" valign="top">OK, here is what I am cooking up for you guys:
Trivial Pursuit: Basically it is as it sounds. A more complex game of Trivia that will be IRC based. In stead of awarding just a LoS we will give you something bigger! Expect a Test run next week.
Hall of Legends: Blade and I are beginning work on a Hall of Fame of sorts, for the clan. It should be pretty cool, when it is all said and done. Everyone who is elected will get some kind of bust or statue or some other cool thing. It should rock, Stay Tuned for more.
Wiki Clean Up: We gotta clean up our wiki, its lookin kinda sloppy. If you are interested in helping, send me an email!
Thats about all for now, More will come in the future</td>
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.: Competitions :. </td>
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<td width="676" valign="top">There are a ton of competitions out there! All you have to do is follow the link, pick a competition, then submit it!
If you are dont see a competition that interests you, Send an email to me and I will get that sorted out right quick!
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.: Consul's Corner:. </td>
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<td width="676" valign="top"> Ok, As I get rolling, I will feature questions from the membership in this section, where I will attempt to answer them for everyone to read! So, send me questions you would like me to answer! They can be serious, they can be funny, what ever you want to know from the genius mind of the Consul!
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.: My Rant:. </td>
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<td width="676" valign="top">And Now the Moment you all have been waiting for
My Rant!
This week, I am going to touch on something that is very important to me; making people smoke cigarettes outside.
This is ridiculous. Every friggin State wants to make people smoke outside. Now, I understand that people are concerned about getting cancer But if you are at the bar, drinking your face off, and you are concerned about getting a little smoke in your lungs, you need to grow up and think about more important things, like why your drunk ass is gonna drive home, even though it is deadly too.
No, instead, people want to penalize smokers because they smoke. I am tired of this fascist war against Cigarettes. Its stupid. Tobacco built this country. Sure, its bad for you, sure. But people have a right to smoke, if they want to. You cant turn smokers into evil people because they like to visit Flavor Country.
As for smoking indoors, in restaurants and Bars. If you dont smoke SIT IN THE NON SMOKING SECTION!!!!
I can see in nice restaurants making smoking prohibited .Sure. But in Bars? You have got to be kidding me! Half of drinking is having a whiskey in one hand and a smoke in the other. It just baffles me that people can bitch about how they are dying when they go to the bar and breathe in the smoke YOU ARE AT THE BAR, POISONING YOURSELF!!!! HERRO?!
So, it goes like this: Dont ban smoking in bars, because it is part of the atmosphere. Next, encourage people to stop being so wussy about getting a little smoke inhalation.
Second hand smoke is bad, true. But you dont smoke outside of the bar, so you should be alright. It just makes me mad to think that people are so whiney these days that they cant deal with some cigarette smoke in a bar. Its so stupid to me
Until Later
SBL Thran Occasus (Sith)/CON/Clan Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:3]
SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-ToDS / DC-SiP / GN / SN / BN / Cr-5A-11S-12E-7T-8Q / CF-PF / SI / SoL-TC / LS-AuL / S:-5Al-3D-1Do-4Dk-7Rm-8P
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Cancer ftw.