Order of Battle Released!


Order of Battle Released!


Greetings, friends. Today I bring you the result of long hours of work and coding. After discussions with numerous Dark Council members, we have completed enough of the Order of Battle to release it publicly. The Order of Battle can be found at the following url (Site looks best in IE6 or so, but it works in Firebird... tables just dont come out as pretty :P):
Each Clan has a section, which shows their complete fleets, providing they get Capital Gains entries in (:P). Each of the ships which a Clan has can have a detailed history of the ship, including any fiction the Clan wishes attached to the ship, such as a current Commodore or what House the ship is currently "assigned" to. In the near future, we will be incorporating a simple system manual into the OoB, which will also show what ships are assigned to what areas of space.

For now, I ask that Consuls look through the Order of Battle, and find any incorrect information, and notify me of any information they have to fill in blank areas. Feel free to email me any errors you find in the Order of Battle, and I will work to get them fixed.

For now, enjoy the hard work of several members. I think the OoB looks quite nice. :)

Dark Adept Telaris "Mav" Cantor

And Mav said he did the gfx, too. Looks great.

Looks good, but it's CRKC not CRCK :P

Looks great Mav. I think ya should get CG to add it to the menu if he hasn't already.

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