Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Hey Cestus,

Its 10 days until the 9th Great Jedi War begins and I know a lot of you are excited and ready to go as I am. I feel as a house we are ready. We are ready to step up and help engrave the name of Tarentum into the annuals of history. I know in the past we as a clan haven’t done as well as we could have, but this is not that past this is now and we all have in our abilities, no matter who you are, to make a difference.

Now, onward to the RM report;



*none at this time


*none at this time


  1. Identity of a Vong (Writing) – ends 2/28/2009

This is a good competition for anyone who enjoys fictional writing and I know you out there so participate and you might just get a shiny for your effort. For those who aren’t interested in crescents, this is a good competition to get your skills honed for the GJW.

  1. Star Wars Clip Art Comics (Graphics) – ends 2/24

This is a great competition for all levels of membership. Take all six images found here and create a comic strip. (Minimum of 4 panels long)

-Fill Jaron’s inbox with submissions!!


Jaron has been promoted to JEDI HUNTER


Karel has been awarded a Steel Cross

Jaron has been awarded a Dark Cross

BF has been awarded a Scroll of Foundation

Doni has been awarded a Scroll of Foundation

Congrats to all and thank you for your diligent service to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

Shadow Academy

Ronovi has been awarded the Dark Maven – Writing

Food for Thought:

" When we create something, we always create it first in a thought form. If we are basically positive in attitude, expecting and envisioning pleasure, satisfaction and happiness, we will attract and create people, situations, and events which conform to our positive expectations."

~Skakti Gawain

Final word on the ACC; if you not qualified (ACC: Neophyte) yet and want to participate in ACC battles for the GJW make sure you do so by the end of this coming weekend. If you’re not qualified, you can’t compete.

JH Vai Azexel

Rollmaster, House Cestus

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