Random Quote
"They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself."
-Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)
New GM Appointed
For those of you haven't heard, Sarin stepped down as Grand Master. Muz was confirmed as the new Grand Master by a vote of the Dark Council and receiving no veto from the Star Chamber. As Kir indicated with his e-mail to the clan, Tarentum did vote in favor of Muz becoming the new Grand Master. Oberst and I did have a short discussion about it before I cast the vote.
Open DB Positions
At this moment, Praetor to the Master at Arms and Right Hand of Justice are open for applications. You'll need to review Kaek's and Kir's respective posts for all the specific details.
No Transfers and AWOL check
Not that any of you would want to leave this awesome clan, but clan to clan transfers are closed until after the GJW is over. There is also no Rogue hopping (going from clan to rogues to clan). The war itself is still slated to start on March 1st, or this coming Sunday.
Also, according to Kaek, there will be a massive DB AWOL check after the GJW.
GJW Message Board
Muz has set up the clan's private, password protected sub-forum for use in the Great Jedi War. Specifically, this is for the run-on, but we can also use it for other things. As previously noted about the run-on, there will be a discussion thread in addition to the run-on.
Do not share this password with anyone outside the clan. In fact, I'd prefer that you not even share it with other clan members. If you forget the password, contact Oberst and/or myself. Don't mention it on IRC in any other public forum. There's a reason I've BCC'd everyone on the clan mailing list, instead of using the Tarentum group e-mail.
The password is: [not in this copy of the notes]
Directly from the GM: "Today, I have created the forums in preparation for the runon event of the impending GJW. They can be found under your clan's heading, and are password protected, so as to keep other clans out. Event details will be divulged at the start of the war. If anyone starts their actual runon early, those posts will be deducted from the final judged run-on. Other threads, such as 'ooc discussion' are permitted, but please have your official run-on labeled in such a manner that the judges can find it easily." (italics added by me).
Until you receive notice from Oberst or myself, do not post anything on this sub-forum.
Unfortunately, since my last clan notes, no one has been promoted.
Clan Arrivals
Aiden Stolz and Raiju transferred from other clans to Tridens
Malcolm Granger joined Gladius
Final Words
I saved this for last because I wanted to get everything else out of the way. To me, this is perhaps the most important part of this edition of the clan notes, even more than Muz's appointment, and the forum password. I've said stuff similar to this before, but I want to reiterate it. My opinion has not changed and, yes, I want it to help motivate you.
I am very confident in this clan. We're stronger than we've been in awhile, we've got a good leadership team, and a bright future ahead of us. The Great Jedi War will test us in every way, both as individuals and as a unit. The change in the clan over the past year has been amazing, and almost everyone on this list has played a role in that. To the newer members who haven't been with us very long, I hope that you will join in with us in our pursuit of victory. Anything can happen; nothing is guaranteed. This is directed at those who even proclaim that Taldryan is going to win. They might, but so might we. The best and only thing we can do is go in and give it our best shot.
Let me also add this: don't be sore losers, and don't cause trouble. If you have a legitimate complaint, bring it to my attention and I will handle it from there. Tarentum is not a clan of whiners and outcasts like certain other clans. If you don't like the storyline, or anything else about the war, just keep it to yourself. Don't go around bad mouthing it because you might de-motivate someone from participating. We can discuss any flaws in it later. It certainly won't change anything during the war.
Tarentum, I'm confident, will perform well in this Great Jedi War. And we will reward efforts of the members. If you are active in the GJW, you will receive something from us in exchange for your service; this means medals and promotions. And these will be in addition of anything you might win in individual events.
Expect to hear from me again this week. My work schedule this weekend, unfortunately, doesn't fit in terribly well with the start of the war. But, I'll make the time. And I hope you will as well.
Thanks in advance for all that you do, and for your efforts.
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