Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


The Great Jedi War approaches, we are prepared....I hope:P lol


SO close...I can taste it lol. Hope you guys give it your all. Get medals, get promos, get...whatever lol. Most of all, have fun doing what you will be doing though.


The competition, “Learn from the Past” has ended and we do have winners.

1st – Devani

2nd – Dismal

3rd – Ashia

Thanks to all who participated which was 4/6 members of the BT which is really good I think.


Devani – Crescent with an emerald star

Dismal – Crescent with a Topaz star

Ashia – Crescent with a quartz star

Mattadler – 3 Clusters of fire

Great job guys! Keep it up!

Post GJW

I will be running a few competitions after the GJW including the run-on that got denied, “The Mission”. I hope that these competitions will help build the Battle Team psysically, historically, and something else that ends with an lly...


Like I said at the beginning, we are ready for the GJW, we will do great and we will do it as a Battle Team. I would also like to thank all who participated in the first BT comp, well done all of you.

In complete darkness,

Krandon Rowella, Tetrarch

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