MARCH 10, 2009
Week 0 Fiction Event :: Run-On Event - "Orders"
Weekly Run-Ons during which new objectives will be given to each Clan, each week, by the Grand Master. Clans will be attached to different units from the Army of the Iron Throne depending on their mission. Make sure you note the unit in each week's Grand Master's Orders section and use that unit.
1.The run-on will be conducted in specially designated forums, already set up for each clan. Passwords may be obtained from your Consul.
2.No one but the author of the post is permitted to make changes to it. The Author may freely edit his post up until another person posts on the run-on.
All Clans arrive at Antei within two days to reinforce planetary blockade established by Eighth Fleet in order to support follow-on invasion.
The Run On continues nicely; if you need help getting your character involved just ask. We have numerous members who will get you going. Now go post!
Week 0 Fiction Event :: Fiction Event - "Debating the Return"
In the months since the Brotherhood's inauspicious expulsion from Antei, discussions of future plans have been the rage throughout all the Clan fleets. With rumors flying that Grand Master Sarin has approved a final plan for the recapture of Antei, barrack halls and command rooms alike have been the center of this debate - should we recapture Antei?
Write an in-character account of the discussions and activities surrounding the incoming invasion; be sure to include your character's opinions on the upcoming invasion in the story.
1.Fiction must be at least two pages in length and may be as long as the Author desires; however, 10 pages of fluff fiction will not beat three pages of outstanding fiction. Arial or Times New Roman Font. Standard page size with 1 inch margins.
2.Entries MUST include ID line and DJB PIN ON the document itself. Unidentified entries will be discarded.
3.Participants have until 14 March 2359 (11:59 EST) to submit their articles.
4.All submissions should be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Week 0 Miscellaneous Event :: Trivia Event - "Briefings"
After the fall of Antei, Grand Master Sarin instituted a more highly structured and disciplined system for the Brotherhood's military. These policies have trickled down to the Clans, where intelligence gathering, mission planning, and detailed briefings have become the standard. All Dark Jedi are expected to show up to the briefings with a solid base of knowledge for the given mission, and for especially important missions the Dark Council has instituted brief testing prepared.
Weekly trivia event. Each week will consist of 20 multiple choice questions concerning topics directly relevant to to the Great Jedi War.
1.To participate in Trivia, go to the Trivia & Puzzles section of the GJW website, login using your DB name and password (if necessary), and and click "Start Trivia". The website will record the date and time you first access the questions.
2.Choose your answers to the questions one at a time and then click "Submit Trivia" when you're done - the website will then record date and time of your submission.
1.Placing is based on fastest time with most correct answers
Week 0 Miscellaneous Event :: Battleplan Event - "Contingencies"
Before any war can be waged a plan must be developed. Admiral Malin has briefed the Dark Council on his plan to return them to Antei. Should it fail or be stalled, Grand Master Sarin has asked that each Clan Summit and its military advisors prepare a contingency plan for their own forces to conduct the assault.
Orders: Your Clan will conduct orbital assault at Antei in order to establish beachhead and prepare for follow-on operations in retaking the world.
Battleplan event. Create a plan to execute a blockade and invasion from orbit with your clan's forces should it become necessary.
1.Clans will submit one official Battle Plan.
2.Battle Plan entries must be longer than 2 pages.
3.All submissions should be sent to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
4.Clans have until 14 March 2359 (11:59 EST) to submit their battleplans.
KPN Shinichi Keibatsu Sadow has been placed in charge of the War Council that is currently devising the plan for Clan Naga Sadow. If you would like to join the team involved in the Battleplan event, contact Consul Bob.
Week 0 Miscellaneous Event :: Shadow Academy Event - "Instruction"
While the Brotherhood's leadership is locked away in strategic planning, the Dark Jedi of the Clans are not idle. Mixed with training and reconnaissance missions, the Grand Master has commanded that all Jedi revisit lessons of the past and to avoid mistakes already made.
Shadow Academy Degrees event. Members will earn points for all of the Shadow Academy "Dark Side Degrees" they complete throughout the duration of the GJW.
1.Degrees counted: Dark Maven for Leadership, Writing, Philosophy, History, and Flight - Dark Savant for Leadership & Communications, and Writing and Philosophy. Service degrees will not be counted.
2.You do not have to complete all the requisite courses for the degree during the GJW - if you have already completed some (but not all) of the prerequisites, you may finish the rest for the degree. However all courses to be counted for the degrees must be finished before the last day of the GJW.
3.Only degrees earned during the GJW will be counted. The Headmaster will review the degree requests as quickly as possible, and any degrees submitted before the end of the final day of the GJW will be counted upon grading.
4.Details for all of the Dark Side Degrees can be found here.
1.Each Dark Maven Degree will count for 5 points, each Dark Savant Degree will count for 10 points.
2.Point totals will determine individual placing.
3.The highest scoring individual will win this event.
4.In the event of a tie, the average exam scores for all courses in the degrees earned will be used to break the tie
Week 0 Fiction Event :: "Battlefield Objectives" - Sign-Up this week
Co-op ACC event, participants must sign up and are then randomly paired to complete assigned objectives. SIGN-UPS ARE THIS WEEK, the event will take place over the following two weeks.
1.Members of the same Clan cannot compete against each other.
2.Post Length: 2+2
3.Post Time: 72 Hours (members whose opponents time out will finish match with a GJW staff stand-in)
4.See the GJW9 Hall in the ACC for a detailed explanation of the rules.
5.Participants have until 28 March 2359 (11:59 EST) to complete their writing.
1.Each writer is graded on Realism: 25%, Continuity: 25%, Writing: 50%.
2.Highest score wins the individual match.
3.Each author receives a score (winner and loser), which are added together for the member's score.
4.For final event placement, all scores received by an individual are totaled.
5.Highest individual total score wins the event.
All sign-ups should go to Dalthid ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Halcyon ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Please include the following information in all sign-ups
Full DB Name
DB Rank
Pin #
A big Naga Sadow welcome back to DA Manesh Sadow and SBM Scithe, both have returned to assist us with the War.
Also joining us this week is Apprentice Scyllus, Welcome!
Big Sadow congrats go out to newly promoted Acolytes Dyrra Skye and Conad Daak!
Not sure if anyone is aware or not, but the Ninth Great Jedi War has begun. :P
The first week is a little warmup, so everyone get involved now. Participate, participate, participate, and have some fun.
Sith Warlord Robert Sadow
Clan Naga Sadow Consul
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