Consul Report


Consul Report

Greetings all,

While I won't be sending these out at specific times each week because of work, I am going to aim for at least two a week. Two of these at a time will be posted on the website as my Clan Notes for the time being.

Things have started up just fine, and I'm seeing/hearing of signs of activity across the board. Let's take a quick look at the events one by one:

  1. Fiction- Deadline for the first fiction event is this Saturday, March 14. I am asking that you CC Oberst and myself with your submissions. As of right now, I know only of a few likely entries, including my own. Hopefully, there will be more before the deadline. If you need to bounce some ideas around, give me a shout. Also, remember, every major clan competition since the last GJW dealt with the clan preparing for this one. So, you can draw on events of "Settling Home," "To the Core," and "Of the Past" to help flesh out your stories.

  2. Battleplan- I've just fired off an e-mail to Oberst asking for an update, but he is heading this up. He is working with his command staff on it, and I'm sure they're going to deliver a top-rate entry by Saturday.

  3. SA event- This event really favors those without any degrees, so primarily newer members. Some have argued for changing the rules, but Kir and Muz have rejected this. For the record, I'm ok with this because we had the same issues in the last GJW (when I was HM). I've seen some participation from the clan on this thus far, and I hope to see more. I myself am unable to participate because of my access to answer keys and outright writing most of the courses that are part of the degrees anyway.

  4. Trivia- According to Kir, there's been 100 or so trivia submissions. Anyone can do this; the trivia is hosted on the website and is multiple choice. The higher your score the better, but better to try it and lose than to not try it at all. Because, simply put, you never know.

  5. ACC- the ACC event is a co-op event, and they're taking sign ups this week, and then the event will run for the next two weeks. I'm signing up, even with my work schedule. How about you?

  6. And the Run-On- so far, things are going well, at least as well as they can, given the current orders. Yeah, we're playing around with them, and moving on our own course, but that's the way we work. We'll end up at Antei on time. I know this part of the run-on is tough because of the lack of things to do, but bear with it. I'm sure it'll get more exciting as things are going.

However, please note: do NOT go back and edit your post if someone has already posted after you. Kir has sent the Consuls a reminder, and though he didn't specifically mention us, I know we've had some close calls. If we continue to use the discussion post as we have, we should be able to avoid any need to edit serious portions of the run-on.

Kir also said, again without naming anyone, that some clans are ignoring the posted orders. What does he mean by this? Who knows for certain, but I would wager that it includes, but isn't limited to, things like A) encounting full strength Vong, B) encountering other clans/fighting them, C) not going to Antei at all. I know that Kir won't give us anything else on it, nor will he (likely) tell us how he thinks we're doing. But, I think the clan is doing well; we're following the writing prompt given to us, and (thankfully) no one is writing about chasing down the Vong in their personal super ship. We need to continue to avoid that.

That's all the news for now. Here's the link to the website:

Go forth, kick some ass, and let's make Tarentum the top clan in the DB!!!!


Random Quote

“If your enemy's weakness is attention span, victory is yours.”

-Hod (Brat-halla)

For those of you who don’t know what Brathalla (, it is a webcomic based on Norse mythology. If you’re not familiar with Norse myths, you might not get all of it. But, anyway, I chose this particular quote for the GJW.

And here’s why: we still have six weeks left to go, and this prologue certainly seemed like a long time, especially for the run-on. By the end of the war, there will be many people in the DB who grow weary of it all: the gaming, the writing, the pestering Muz and Kir about issues. Our attention to the war can play a big role in determining the outcome.

Don’t let up. Stay focused. Try to kick ass as much at the end as you do at the beginning.


The run-on has made good progress, despite the lack of a lot of action. If you haven’t read the discussion thread, I am asking that no one else posts until after I post the start to Week 2. This is just under 24 hours from now.

The reason is simple. In talking with Ronovi, we’ve really pushed the introductory stuff far enough. Any more posts, and we’re really just dealing with filler stuff that won’t help the overall story. Don’t worry if you haven’t had a chance to post, yet. We’ll get you guys involved later in the run-on without issue.

Remember that you cannot edit anything in your post after someone else has posted after you. This applies to grammar as well as content. Please continue to use the discussion thread, e-mail, or IRC to talk about your posts.

Other Events

Don’t forget that all events are due by tomorrow. You can still participate in the trivia, which is done through the website. The fiction event is due, and please get at least the two pages required. The Battleplan is being worked on by Oberst and his team, but I’m sure it’ll be nicely done.

So, especially for the writers, use this down time in the run-on to get a fiction entry in if you haven’t done so already. You can also still sign up for the ACC event (read the rules under the rules section, and not just the event description).

CC’ing the Leaders

I prefer to be CC’d on competition submissions because it gives me my own way to verify activity. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but it does help. Events run off the website, or submitted through it (like gaming matches) will simply have to do with the records we ultimately will be provided with. But, if you e-mail it in, please add at least me (if not Oberst and your house leaders) to the e-mail.

We have received some submissions so far.

Regular Clan Notes

Not specifically related to the GJW, but since my last clan notes, the following members have joined the clan:

1.Zann Terrin joined Tridens

2.Vixur D’Orn joined Cestus

3.Bonir Fessu joined Cestus

4.ShadowFoxx transferred back in from Rogues, as did Kyra Starfire

5.Aegis Maw joined Gladius

The following members have been promoted:

1.Mechronage to Acolyte

2.Vixur to Novice

3.Aegis to Novice

Thanks for all that you do, and let’s continue to work hard at this Great Jedi War. I know we’re off to a great start, and every one of you can contribute in some way or another.


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