Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

_SW JScumm #7764

Blue Mist Commander

House Galeres

Clan Arcona_


Your Commander here, reporting live from the front line of GJW9. Yes, the big bad GJW9 is now entering week 2. For those of you who haven’t participated in, please do so, you will be well rewarded for all of your hard work and effort; promotion, shinies, you name it.

Do it for our battle team, our house and above all else ... our CLAN!


We are number two in the official GJW9 standings (for week 0), thanks to all those who have been participating in, and especially to the battle plan team who won the battle plan event. And also we’re leading in the gaming event: Skirmish 2, thanks to our FL Tirano (Good work! Keep it up buddy!) and yours truly :) who dominate the event and placing 1st and 2nd place respectively.

But it is still week 2, don’t start the party too early, we are still in a long hard road to see who is going to laugh in the end. But I feel cautiously optimistic about our chances. And the one thing we must do if we want to compete… is keep up the pace, not just at gaming but at all the other events as well.


For Week 2, the events are:

  1. Gaming:

-NEW: "In whose favor?" A 2v1 gaming ladder in which all official platforms will be available

-"Skirmish" – Continued. Standard 1v1 Ladders in which all official platforms will be available. This is the second (and last) week of this event.

-"Mistaken Identity" – Continued. Team gaming event which will run for the entire duration of the GJW.

  1. Fiction:

-"Chasing the Ghost". A minimal of five pages of writing, describing the rescue of a clan mate from the Jedi and the circumstances surrounding the rescue. This event will run for two weeks.

-Run-On Event - "Orders" is in full swing. Check it here

-ACC Event - "Heat of the Moment" Standard 1v1 ACC event, participants must sign up and are then randomly paired to complete assigned objectives. Challenges start this week and you can continue to challenge until week 4. The battles will take place throughout the rest of the GJW.

-ACC - "Battlefield Objectives". Co-op ACC event, participants are randomly paired to complete assigned objectives. The event will take place over this and next week.

  1. Miscellaneous:

-Graphics Event - "Effects of War" Depict Antei, the planet as a whole or any part you wish (see the Antei Document for resources), and how it might look now after the Vong incursion, subsequent occupation by the Jedi, and in addition to the current conflict.

-Shadow Academy Event - "Instruction". SA Degrees event. Members will earn points for all of the Shadow Academy "Dark Side Degrees" they complete throughout the duration of the GJW.

-Trivia Event - "Briefings". Weekly trivia event. Each week will consist of 20 multiple choice questions concerning topics directly relevant to the Great Jedi War.

-Code Breaking Event - "Ambush" – Continued. Code Breaking event. The code breaking represents a member of each Clan who is engaged in a duel. This is the second week of this event.

Lastly, please remember to put ALL your GJW activity on the ATR.


The 9th Great Jedi War: Unification


The GJW is on. The more of us that jump in and do what we can, the further we will get.

Now, I’m going to kick some EaW butts. Cya all online!


SW JScumm

Commander of Blue Mist Squadron

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