Report time<p>
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If you've been under a rock, you may not have noticed that we are in the middle of the Ninth Great Jedi War. We just finished grading the 'Week Two' graphic event, so, look forward to updated results soon. Big thanks to Kir for doing almost all of the Heavy lifting in this war so far. By the way, a lot of you guys aren't aware as to how much work goes into grading this kind of event. Suffice to say that in the past, it could take weeks to get a scoring update. We've got it down to a few days, which is a massive improvement over the past, especially considering the amount of stuff we're having to go through. So yeah, you're going to have me wanting to taser you until you burn by asking me at 1 am if we're done grading yet.<p>
There's been some confusion as to the code breaker event. We're trying to get some new puzzles put into the site code. Updates as they happen.<p>
The second week fiction event is still active and due on the 4th of April. Just scroll down on the fictions page to see it.<p>
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Braecen asks: When will the maa remind everyone he is taking applications for p:maa?<p>
I don't know when he will remind people, but I can remind people right now. Send applications for Praetor to the MAA to Kaek.<p>
RevengeX asks: Are individual results going to be compiled and released?<p>
The top placers will be released, but beyond that, the consuls will have a list of the participants. We do this so that we can award the 'Hero of the 9th GJW' title, but we won't be making pulic the placings beneath say tenth place.<p>
There's been some big promotions today</p><p>
Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar was promoted to Dark Side Adept and joined the Elders. His successful tenures as Headmaster and Plagueis Consul have done good things for the club, and this recognition was well-deserved.</p><p>
Thran Occasus was Promoted to Sith War Lord, marking him as one step closer to elder. Thran is well known for his work in Scholae Palatinae for his work not only on the clan summit but also for his long tenure as a Qauestor in the Royal Clan.</p><p>
Congratulations to both of these fine members.
DC members are hereby reminded to check their emails for the upcoming event and get their responses to me before the 9th. Thanks again, guys.</p><p>
And that's all for this time. Any questions, or anything i can help with, pm me on IRC or shoot me an email. Have fun!</p><p>
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Congrats Gipetto.
Kaek reminds everyone for P:MAA in his reports. Those that are serious about applying should not need reminding AND should be able to look it up themselves if they are even half as competent as they claim to be. :P
Also, I figure seeing me on IRC every day would remind everyone that they hate me as P:MAA, and would jog their memory that applications are being taken. ;P
Yeah seriously people apply for P:MAA. I haven't been plastering it on the news page because we're in the middle of the GJW and there are more important things to take note of. But I have pointed it out in my last two reports and it will be in my next one as well. I have but 2 actual applications right now - and 3 joke applications (<3)
Apply if you want to
Don't tase me, bro.
Congrats to Aabs!
As for the applications comment...as Kaek has stated the application for P:MAA can also be considered an application for MAA in a way. Therefore, if by this point in time you are not paying attention to the various news posts and reports that are posted, I don't how you can be considered a decent applicant for that position.