Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Phoenix Report #17

Right then! Sorry for the quietness over the last week, RL got rather silly, but hopefully all is back under control ready to focus on the more important matters once again!

Deadlines tomorrow people!!

Just incase you didn’t know…if you’ve been in hibernation for the last week, your tasks are as follows:

1.Trivia – takes 5 minutes if you don’t do it properly, a bit longer if you do

2.Poetry – check the website, can be a simple Haiku (see Lannie’s recent emails for an explanation – in summary a total of 3 lines, not necessarily rhyming, with a rhythm of 5,7,5 syllables) – this one can take as long (or as little) as you like – participation points are everything!

3.Graphics – if anyone’s embarrassed about their lack of graphic skill, don’t be – if I remembered it mine is attached to this email to prove how un-skilled you need to be for this!

4.Fiction – a 5 page story, so get the above done first for easy participation points if you haven’t already started this, tho if you have the time, or even half the time it takes, please please please enter – so many of the other clans will loose points here because no-one can be bothered – so get to it!

5.ACC/Gaming – lots of this going on too….and well done to all those participating – you probably know what you’re doing far better than me!

6.Run-on – don’t forget this one! Our run-on is taking it’s own sweet time to develop, and we could really do with a few more people posting, again participation points are key, don’t worry if you can’t think how to advance the plot, just write what you’re doing in connection to the previous few posts, and all will be fine!

No-one has any excuse for not doing the first three – all in they took me about 30 minutes, so come on guys! Do it for Taldryan (and the cookies and ice-cream!)

So onto well-dones!!

Vardar: SA (Lightsabre Studies, Sith Alchemy, Krath Core, IRC Ops,Krath Poetry), Graphics, Poetry

Alanna: SA (Freighters and Transports, Astronomy), Graphics, Poetry, Fiction

Bubbs: SA (Sith Empire I), Graphics, Poetry

Also big well-dones to Alanna, Vardar, Sena and Erinyes for their efforts in the ACC, and to all those of you gaming out there!!

Soo…my hope before the deadline is to get my fiction entry in, it would be great to see at least half the Phyle get an entry in for that.

Sena, Erinyes – I know you’re out there! If you’re too busy for the Fiction, please please try and find time for the Graphics and Poetry at least – I know you can both pull out great work, so get to it!!

Think that’s it for now….except to say I’ve stolen some cookies from Lannie’s secret supply to add to the ice-cream bonuses for all those who get their fiction entries in on time!

KE Bubbles

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