Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Alas, another day in the life of a Battle Team leader. This is going to be short and sweet.


I would like to thank all who have participated in the GJW so far. You all know what you did, and so does everyone else, from Bob’s report.


A big promotion goes out to Matt Adler! He has been promoted from Protector to Guardian. Well deserved Matt!

This Week

Since it is Easter week, and I am religious, I will try to get what I can get done for the GJW but I don’t know how much that would be. I have church Friday morning, and Sunday, plus other weekly church events. I do urge the whole battle team to do stuff in the GJW, even though I will not be around this week to lead. I will try to be on mIRC when I can s well.


Thank you all, who have participated and those who continue to participate. You will be greatly rewarded for your efforts.

Thank you.

Jedi Hunter Krandon Rowella

_Tetrarch of the Jade Serpents

Student of History and Mythology

Apprentice to Alexander Anderson_

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