Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Hey all.

Yeah, I know: z0mg! :o Timeros is actually writing a report and acting like a Quaestor! Sheer shock and awe has probably killed some of the members who've known me longer than just today.

To briefly introduce myself: I'm Timeros. 'Tim', for friends (and that means everyone inside Arcona). I've been in the Brotherhood since forever, I remember PRT Dalthid and the time when Strategos was jokingly called 'the eternal Acolyte'. By all means, I should be a retired Elder by now, who only gets online to occasionally scream at some whippersnapper.

However, given that this is a GJW and, during the GJW, Things Go Wrong, I've been asked, and have accepted, to fill the role of Quaestor for the duration of the War, along with my long-time friend, Etah. Rest assured that our roles are essentially that of 'brevet' leadership. Once the War is over, we will step down and the House will be submitted to a more careful search amongst applicants. For now, however, Dashles has decided to use us old diehards to fill the otherwise-vacant seats.

Other than the occasional leadership function, I'm known as a fanatical ACCer, and in real life, I'm a college student with insomnia. :P

Now, these reports will be done GJW-style. That means several things. First, I will not be bothering with many of the usual trivialities. There are not a great many rewards to hand out, and field promotions are handled by Dash and Strat. Instead, I will throw you to-do's and happenings so you'll be aware of as much of Arcona as possible.

From the Front Lines:

Our winning continues! While I realize it seems somewhat harsh to suddenly nearly lose a 140-point advantage to Taldryan, I must state that we are not in bad shape. It might seem that way, but keep in mind that the events judged this week were not our strong suite: Next week, we should have the elimination results in, which are. Similarly, we can probably expect the ACCs results to flow in either this week or the next. Again, we should do very well there.

This week's Special Kudos:

-To the entire Elimination gaming team. Seriously, you guys are the best. You've singly eliminated, or helped to eliminate, some of our most dangerous opposition. Think of people such as Vardar, who, thanks to Taigikori and Wolvie, was taken out the very first day of elimination. Similarly, RevengeX, then at the top of the standings, was taken out a while back. While there's few bad players left, we're doing good, and the fact that so many of us have managed to stay in the game for long at all should tell something about our skill.

-To Malidir, for being the only Arconan to score top 10 in last week's fiction or poetry competition.

-Strategos and Taig, for their first and third place finishes in the Trivia!

-Our ACC team: While the ACC is nearly over, these guys deserve some credit. We have only nine participants...but it seems likely that we'll win the event, as it currently stands. Special Kudos go to Legorii, Zandro, Kant, and Xathia. You guys are doing great: keep up the good work!



See that URL above? That's your home the next three weeks. I want you guys tattooing it on the inside of your eyelids so you'll remember where it's at. It's where you can find all the details of all events -remember to take a look at it when doing events -particularly fiction events.

Mistaken Identity:

This is still somewhat of a problem child. Yet, with the problems known, we can now begin to alleviate them. If you have JO or EaW, try to TFFA! If you don't, get the games, THEN TFFA! It's not that important if we lose this event, but let's make sure we give the Tallies a run for their money, eh?


If you haven't done this event yet, now's a good time to start. The top ten places have frightfully low points...seriously, winning five games could get you in. Hell, even if you lose it'll still help Arcona more than doing nothing would.

Heat of the moment:

This event is coming to an end...and what a ride it was! Thanks to all who've made our efforts here possible.

The Garrison:

This week's fiction. It's another lengthy event, and as written could easily be made into a horror story of sorts. Luckily, got two weeks for this event... and let's see some Arconan names in that top ten! I got fifth in week 1, and I'm not our best writer by any stretch of the imagination. If a degenerate, stubborn belligerent like me can do it – so can you.


The Runon is Arcturus' terrain, and far be it from me to meddle in another Arconan's affairs...but for God's sake, post! If you're not sure what to do, just email Arc, and I'm sure he'll find some use for you.


I know, I know....few of us possess the truly rare skills of making good music, videos, etc. Fortunately, few people among other Clans do so, either. If you've got talent with music (I'm looking at you, Chris), or videos, or something: we need you. If you do not, I'm sure some solution will come to mind...eventually. Perhaps I'll try looking for an easy video maker or whatever and share whatever secret I can find to the zerg-rushing of crappy submissions. :P

Non-war News:

None. However, do remember that if you send GJW stuff, or are otherwise active, that Etah keeps the records of your activity, so it's probably smart to tell him about everything you do, since the more we know about you, the easier we can reward you.


Got three things to share with you, this time:

First, why my reports have these weird names. Each of my reports is named after a Culture ship from the series by sci-fi writer Iain M. Banks. In this case, I chose Sleeper Service because that ship was one that had ostensibly retired from its civilization, only to come rushing to the rescue when its services were required. Yeah, much like Etah, Strat, or myself. :P

Second, an attached song. These were created by Dark Jedi Master Dalthid, who most of you know as the Deputy Combat Master of the ACC. He is, however, also a musician. This is the music he created for Arcona. A second attached song is a personal favorite of mine, also by Dalthid, about the ACC.

Finally, I just want to remind you all that we're here to have a good time. Please, let's not bother each other with the drama of who said what about whom. Similarly, please don't tell me who did or did not derelict their duty by staying or not staying. Arcona is in a great shape. We've got the best chance in our history of snatching victory in this Great Jedi War. Why ruin the fun by snatching defeat from the jaws of victory? After we've won this, I want to be able to say “we kicked ass, and we did it because Arcona is better than a Clan that thinks retardation is a virtue, better than a Clan that thinks running with flags is all it takes, and better than a Clan that thinks JO is the latest in gaming news. We won it because we had the numbers, the guts, the skills, and the balls to try. But mostly, we won it for the lulz, and because we are the tightest-knit group of friends the Brotherhood has ever seen.”

Now move out, gentlemen (and ladies). We've got a war to win. :P

Cya’ll online,


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