Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

What’s up Qel-Droma.

First place for three consecutive weeks. That’s something to be proud of. For 21 days, Clan Arcona has stood above her sister Clans as Numero Uno in the Great Jedi War. We’re just beginning week five, and then there’s week six before it’s all over. That adds up to seven weeks of Arconan dominance.

This week, we’ve got a few events. Another five page trivia is due Saturday, along with poetry, a flash game, and trivia. Also this week is the final week for the multimedia event (make a video or something) and for a nice little graphic event. Check those all out and do them all. Participation is three points, and in all likelihood that’s going to be our margin of victory.

This week, we were propelled to a 100 point lead over Taldryan (and 60 points over CSP) by the efforts of our gamers. Everyone give a special thanks to JScumm for winning the event, Taigikori for taking third, Tirano for snagging eighth, and Wolvie for pulling a pretty little ninth. And look at Vardar, way down there in tenth…

Taig also got third in this week’s trivia, and I squeaked out a tenth place. Thank you to everyone that participated this week, we’ve just got two more to go before we can claim the Clan win. We can do it.

CC myself and Arcturus on all GJW submissions. And email us to let us know when you’ve done the trivia.

Fictional Information

Check out the GJW website at www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/gjw9/. With Arcturus on a temporary leave of absence, I will be reading over the run-on and our plans for it, and will confer with Timeros and Kant on how best to proceed. We’ve got two weeks before we’re done with it, don’t slow down now.


-Post in the RO!

-GJW Week 5 “The Garrison” fiction due on April 18th at midnight.

-GJW Week 5 Trivia due April 18th at midnight.

-Read the main page every day, the Dark Council is releasing new updates about the Great Jedi War as we go.

-GJW Shadow Academy event is ongoing, pursue those degrees!

-Lots of gaming events and awards to be had, check those out on the website.

-TEAM GAMING! Our friends in Scholae Palatinae and Plagueis are eager to get some more team gaming points to beat Taldryan, and we need to help them out. Hang around in #dbgaming and look for people to play with. It does NOT have to be Arconans on your team, do not hesitate to play with CSP and CP’s gamers.

<big>Thanks guys. Have fun, and stay tuned for the next report in two weeks. Arc0wnage!</big>


KP Legorii Kryotek Entar (Krath) /QUA-EP-Wiki/ Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: CL:1]

AC-ToSH / DC-SP / Cr-1D-5R-12A-9S-4E-4T-2Q / CF-GF / DSS-AgL / SI / SoF / SoL / LS-AgL / S:-27Rm-1P

{SA: MVN – DML - DMW - DMP - DMH - DMF - DSLC - DSWP} (8893)

What great use for PNG and such a beautiful header.

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