Hi there! Because Kant just threw out an Arcona-wide message, I figured I would, too. Being now done with my exams, I can focus fully on the Brotherhood for the coming, final week of the Great Jedi War...and that means pwning the fuck out of everyone to come in our way.
From the Front Lines:
Wow! What a blast this week was! Despite results that, on the face of it, might look a bit discouraging, we have made some major headway in the team gaming event. I speak for all of Arcona's leadership when I say that we consider victory to be closer than ever before. I have full faith in you guys -let's make it happen.
This week's kudos:
-Zandro, for a fourth place in the multimedia event!
-Malidir and Jeric, for pwning the Flash game!
-Malidir (again) and me for the poetry event!
(On a personal note: this marks the first time, ever, that I'm not dead last at a poetry event).
-Malidir for his fiction submission, making this official I love Malidir week. No homo. :P
For the final week: The Brotherhood's GJW website. We're so close I can taste it, guys. Final victory is at hand. But first puts on a Keith Olbermann mask a special comment on our standings at the Team Gaming event:
Mistaken Identity:
The fix is in. These were the words uttered by Newt Gingrich on November 4th, 2008, as he surveyed the first poll results coming in.
These, also, were the words uttered by many an Arconan as they saw the Taldryan juggernaut occupy its usual spot, smack dab in the middle of its ivory Tower of Team gaming, made lucrative for them by a scoring system that made the event the single most valuable of the entire Great Jedi War.
Now, however, it is the Tallies who furiously whine about people cheating the system they have so carefully tried to bend to their favor. Now, suddenly, they are being denied their dues unjustly.
Like Gingrich, and unlike us, they are wrong. Our victory was gained by the honest and passionate work of our men and women behind the keyboards, doing whatever we could to win event after event after event. There is no one, no one in the Brotherhood who can say that we did not work to earn our victories without being a Goddamned liar.
As, however, their whining has increased in pitch, tenor, and faintly desperate hilarity, they have managed to accuse people of dodging. And, somehow, they succesfully made the Justicar take enough note to modify the Rites of Combat.
This, of course, is not unexpected. It's a tactic for sore losers, and Taldryan is full of sore losers: the sole claim to fame of Taldryan, after all, is that they never lose. In team gaming, for example, they do this by refusing to leave their ivory tower of JO CTF and accusing others of dodging for daring to play something else.
First, a word of advice: Under our new rules, if you have played JO before in this war, you are not allowed to refuse to play JO any more. However: If you are not planning to play for now, at all, you can still politely tell Taldryan to go fuck itself. In fact, I encourage you to do so with the modification of leaving out the politeness. If they go into our Clan Channels to demand JO CTF, feel free to email Kir. This behavior is illegal. I personally won't do so -I make it a policy to try and stay below the Justicar's radar. :P You guys, however, should know the option is open, since that would probably make Tal's continued whining even MORE hilarious.
Secondly, as Celahir pointed out to me, while you may be made to play JO, you can not be forced to play CTF. The rules specificy a platform. If you really hate CTF, you can tell Tal guys that you want a game of TFFA or nothing. We hold the bargaining chips, here. After all, we have plenty of other games we can and often do play. Taldryan does not. If they want to play JO against us, they can do so in the manner we damn well please. We are under no obligation to cater to Taldryan's ever demand.
Our current situation is rosy: We're only slightly behind Taldryan. 50 points, in fact, where we used to lag behind by about 400. While this score is 'invisible' unless you bother doing the math, it is still very real (though changeable). I want to give HUGE credits to Malidir, Taig, Jscumm and Tirano here: you guys are saving our asses out there. Keep playing BF2, EaW, and whatever else strikes your fancy, guys. At this rate, we'll pwn Tal at its own supposed strong suit. :P
Finally, I would like to remind you of something else about Newt Gingrich: In the end, when the votes were counted, his side lost.
Adept Killers:
Or, as I call it, PWN week! I mean, come on! Is any event more suited to Arcona than this? We have the best guys by far at just about fucking everything. Go out and pwn, dudes. Also remember that people asking for team games moments ago really have no excuse not to play you in this event, so keep playing to whittle down other members' scores.
Heat of the moment:
This event is now over. By the estimates of Legorii and myself, we're set to win this event, with CP second and Tal and CSP very close for third and fourth. The total score differential...well, people are listenin in, but it's large. Large enough that they should worry and we should take heart, while remembering that we still have a couple of inferior clans to pwn and make our victory that much more assured. :P
Arcturus, Kant, and Sashar run this event...see Kant's excellent post on what we should do...again, we need as many people as possible on this event, so get writing ASAP.
Free Reign
Basically, write whatever you want about the War for two pages. How could we resist? This gives us, well, free fucking reign over what we want to write. ANYTHING.
Contingencies II:
This is a Clan Event. One we won, last time. Luckily, we already have in place our team of best and brightest to work on our new exciting mission: Conquest of the Dark Hall. However, if you wish to sign up and add a particular skill to our group (GFX artists would be especially appreciated) go ahead and email Dash and Strat, to see about entry for the Team.
Puzzle stuff:
Just finished it. Remind me to kill Sarin when he finally gets his ass in our Clan :P
Non-war News:
Nothing. In the grim future of this Clan report, there is only WAR! :P
(Haha, Tim made a 40k funny. Laugh, guys. :P)
In hindsight, given Tal's whining and Kir's changing the rules without mentioning, I really should have saved the So Much For Subtlety for this week. So now, instead, the warship Killing Time.
The ship's name, in this case, was a Double Entendre...in a society as peaceful as the Culture, war was very rare and hence, the ship was just 'killing time'. On the other hand, the novel itself was mostly a war novel...which made it killing time for the ship, indeed. To us, the lesson is that now, more than ever, we need to put our best foot forward, and forever put to grave the myth of Tally invincibility.
Cyall online,
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