Back from the dead to annoy all y'all biatches and hos... Yeah, that just doesn't sound convincing coming from me. Not one bit. Aedile Arcturus' Aedile Assessment is back on track after going missing for about, I don't know, two weeks? Was it more? I can't be sure. Anyways, I've returned from the wilderness - somewhat - complete with a twisted ankle, thanks to amateurish rock-climbing and a nasty case of hives. Which is just lovely. TONIGHT ON QEL-DROMA-WATCH!
== The War Continues... For, Like, Another Week And Junk... ==
It's finally coming to an end. Seriously - how long has this War being going on for? I mean, I was missing for about nearly three weeks and I THINK it's dragging. That said, Arcona is totally raping the shit out of the other Clans. Our resident gamers, Tirano (everybody's favourite Ecuadorian - that right?), Malidir, JScumm and so forth, are making massive waves by pulverising those twats over in Taldryan. Honestly, I actually want to stab that little shit Halc straight in the face with a rusty spoon. Why a spoon? BECAUSE IT WILL HURT MORE!
I'm guessing a fair amount of ACC battles are judged. If you haven't already got your results, go and harass Dalthid and he should be able to get his narrow arse in gear and judge them for you. The fiction / GFX / Codebreaking / Battleplan events are ongoing. Arcona's very own Napoleon / Thrawn, Kant Lavar, is cooking up a plan with Timeros, Dash and all the other honchos to win us the Battleplan event. Should be good. Which brings me to the next GJW event that I want to talk about...
= Run-On, Run-On, Run-On, Keep Them Doggies Run-On.... RAWHIDE! ==
Yes, I've been sorely missing from this part. And it's my fault. Work's been a little whiny bitch lately. As some of you may or may not know, I was sent out into the arse-middle of nowhere for two weeks because they're all bumpkin-hillbilly-white trash in Killarney. Hence, cosmopolitan Arcturus is sent in to work his wonderous magic of engineering. That, and there's fuck all Internet connection down there. Sigh.
OK, not to worry, Mister Arc-To-Hizzle is back Wizzork. As of this very moment in time, I've yet to read over the current state of affairs on the Run-On. I'll be doing that in about seven or eight hours time, as I've to be in work in about half an hour, and I want to give the Run-On a good, thorough reading. I also want to say that if you ARE planning to post on it, my services as proof-reader are still available. Legorii's stepped in during my absence and he's owed a massive hug by me for his trouble. Qel-Droma's resident Jew, Marick, was also chipping in a bit too and huggies go out to him, as well.
Please, PLEASE, do try and post. I'm not looking for a huge post, just something to place your character in the overall story. Remember, this event is graded on participation - so numbers mean more than quality. That said, Arcona is arguably the best writing Clan in the entire Brotherhood - so our worst writing would be absolutely-fucking-stupendous to the likes of CNS or the EH. Sorry, not the EH. Scholae Palatinae. I always get those two mixed up. Right. Sorry. My mistake.
== Awards / Promotions / Etc. ==
I don't think there's a huge amount on here, at the moment. By the way, if you're new to HQD, chances are you've fallen through the cracks thanks to the Great Jed War. Don't worry, we're on it and we know who you are. Expect a Welcome e-mail any day now. My own personal favourite secton, Arcturus' Ass-tastic Award, goes to that annoying Dutch twat, Timeros. He actually whipped out his dick and slapped Halc in the face with it. That's right - a Dutch cock hitting you on the cheek. Let that image burn into your mind's eye for a moment. That takes balls, people. And a cock, too. Timeros - we salute you.
== Competitions ==
OK, you don't need me to tell you this, but I'll do it anyway. POST IN THE RUN-ON!
== Arcturus' Song of the Week / Video of the Week ==
My video of the week is from a new movie out called "In The Loop". You HAVE to see this film. It's by far the funniest film I've seen this year, and probably the funniest film I've EVER seen. And I've seen Super Troopers. Check out the clip:
My tune of the week is an old one. God, I love Basement Jaxx. It's "Rendez-Vu". Have a listen:
== In Closing... ==
Our results in the Great Jedi War are really fucking good. Massive kudos all-round. We're nearly there, Arcona. KEEP IT UP!
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