Random Quote
“I don’t know why she couldn’t just say ‘Prepare thyself to get thy ass kicked.’”
-Lina Inverse
GJW Update
Well, we've entered the final week of this war. They've posted the final chapter as well as the Epilogue on the DB site, but there's still a chance to get some more participation in. The scores aren't final just yet, as several long term events haven't been scored, like the run-on.
There is a week 6 trivia event up now, as well as a short fiction piece. Gaming and the ACC are continuing as well. The SA event is also going on; journeymen in particular can do well in this event. Don't forget to request your degrees.
I know there are already words/rumors going around about a post-GJW AWOL check. Well, asides from the fact that there is likely to be a DB wide AWOL check soon (where they inactivate your dossier, and you have to log back in to activate it), I will confirm that the clan's roster will be culled. And yes, GJW participation will be used as a reference point since it is the most recent activity, and everyone in the clan could have done something. In the interest of stopping/preventing any more questions, let me add the following:
If you were active in the GJW at any time, you are safe for the time being.
If we are aware of real life circumstances that prevented participation (in part or in all), you are safe.
But, make no mistake about it. I am not happy with the way things turned out, and we're going to need a miracle this week to get into 5th place. But, I'll bring that up in my post-GJW notes.
Also, members who were active will be rewarded by the clan, with rewards based on activity. These rewards can be promotions, medals, or land grants/titles (though this system will be reworked, so that might be delayed a bit). Anything we give you will be on top of whatever you manage to score from the GJW: novas and seals. I have already asked the house leaders to confer with each other and send their recommendations to Oberst and myself. Do not e-mail them, or us, asking about what you're getting, or telling us what you want.
Since my last clan notes, the following clan members were promoted:
Garon to Acolyte
Ronovi to Templar
Scion to Warrior
Jagen to Protector
Brin to Acolyte
Vai to Dark Jedi Knight
Chaaron to Guardian
Xavic joined House Cestus
Major props to Ronovi and Chaaron for picking up some novas last week.
And that's all for this edition. Short and to the point.
DJM Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Consul of Clan Tarentum
"Where ignorance is bliss, knowledge is a curse. For even those who have learned from the past are sometimes doomed to repeat it."
-Preview for Kiddy Grade Episode 10 (Rebirth/Slave)
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