Aedile Report of Caliburnus
Greetings Caliburnans,
This report has been in the making since week five of the GJW. It contains almost everything everyone has done (if I miss anything I am completely sorry, seriously, I know so far you guys and gals have rocked the DJBs socks off with your activity).
I will write out the activity first.
Michael Arkarso Cluster of Fire x2,
Arania Lawakiro Palpatine Crescent w/ Emerald Star,
~SA courses passed~
Michael Arkarso Dark Maven of Flight
Arania Lawakiro Palpatine History of the Sith Empire 1, Old Republic History, History of the Sith Empire 3, History of the Sith Empire 2, Krath Grammar Studies, Obelisk CORE, Krath CORE, Poetry Studies, Force Philosophy, Krath Advanced Poetry, Dark Maven of Writing, Sith Alchemy, Dark Maven of Philosophy, Dark Savant of Writing and Philosophy, Leadership Fundamentals, Conflict Mediation, Dark Maven of General History, Dark Maven of Leadership
Walnuf Sith CORE
Rayne Pre-Republic History, Old Republic History
Jack Jackal Okason Sith CORE
Tyno History of the Sith Empire 2, Old Republic History, History of the Sith Empire 3, Dark Maven of General History
~Participated in the ACC~
~New Members~
the dark knight
Holy shit! We are epic! Truly, about 2 months ago I wouldve come to the conclusion that we were decent, but weve risen from the dead! I am amazed with all of you :) Since I am writing this in week five, I hope to see us pull through the GJW with our heads held high in pride (no, its not really a deadly sin).
I finish this report at 1:30 am in the morning after the end of the GJW. It has been a pleasure doing the GJW. I now wait for the results, as the rest of the DJB does. Im tired. Seriously, not only because its 1am, but because this GJW was definitely a hectic one, and a promising one for the Royal Clan of Scholae Palatinae. I do have some competitions planned. One mainly I hope to increase your ability to search through the Star Wars wiki and to possibly find something interesting that you have not seen yet. It is a pretty easy competition with a multiple of ways to complete it, and it will be for the whole house :)
On a last note for tonight, and a note for all of Scholae, I have high hopes that we will win. Seriously, I think we as a Clan pulled this one off. The combined might of the Caliburnians, Solians, and the Acclivians make us a true threat to the rest of the Clans. I personally feel I have grown stronger with all of you in many ways. I feel more comfortable in the Brotherhood now than I ever have been before. I feel in place in CSP. I know that my place is here. Not in Arcona, not in Plagueis, not in CNS, not with Tarenteum, and sure as hell not with the Taldryrats. I am honored to see the achievements that have come from this Clan. As our motto says:
In the beginning, there was Darkness. In the end, there will be Darkness again. We ensure Darkness inbetween.
We are the beginning, we are the end, and we will be forever.
Hail Scholae Palatinae!
DJK Luciferus Scyrone Leviathan
Aedile of HC of CSP
Obelisk Centurion
P.S. For all of you who missed it, my little YouTube video for the multimedia event (ignore my profile, it will most likely be offensive to many):
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