Hi there! Here's the post-war followup, chock-full of the things the DC would not like you knowing. :P
The news:
The GJW is over, and hence, we now have the time for more regular reports in the near future. This also means that my time on the job is nearly over. Should I somehow miraculously survive the coming 24 hours with my position intact, I'll probably retire in the next few weeks, until a better, permanent Quaestor can be found. Etah, too, will be technically retiring (although he has been a competent and loyal Aedile).
First of all, then, I'd like to thank you all for giving me a great time during this war. Last of all...fuck it, that's basically it. Thank you guys for one of the most awesome times to be Arconan.
Also, Muz is looking for a DGM. That means you guys, as usual, since it's hard to imagine anyone more competent. As Dante's resigned from the position of gaming Tribune, Muz might also open up applications for that office. If so, I recommend you all to apply..there's some great potential in that.
Transfers, Promotions, and Awards:
A very warm welcome to Apprentice Drak Far! Or should I say, Novice Drak Far?
Similarly, Appre- Novice Lycanis deserves a warm welcome from all of us.
Protector Sight Nortorshin has returned to us, as well, having decided to continue his studies of the Dark Side in the awesomest House of all.
And finally, a warm welcome to Apprentice Malrog.
All of you, please don't be disturbed by what I'm about to do. It doesn't happen often. :P
The GJW's just ended. If you want to do a competition already, it's because you're nuts. :P
This week's culture ship is the Poke it with a Stick, an explorer vessel. Mostly because of the Appendix. :P
As I've actually run out of useful things to say, I am now going to make these things personal, since my quest to become the Brotherhood's Perez Hilton has not yet been completed, and I need more juicy stuff.
First all, the awesome stuff: Sharad's whini- er, official complaint to the Dark Council! The commentary is mine -it's the part that isn't in italics. Dark Council messenges are, of course, meant for the Dark Council -but frankly, if it were funny and not about Taldryan, it'd end up in the TT, so I have no clue why I wouldn't do this. That, and there's tabloids that are more gossip-proof than any list including Brotherhood luminaries. This, then, is an open-letter as well as a posting for general lulz. :P
_I just wanted to submit a formal complaint about the way team gaming is
being handled. Taldryan went from having 7 in the top 10 to having 2 in
the top 10. This could easily go down to having only 1 in the top 10,
which will likely be in the bottom of the top 10. _ z0mygod! This is not because we've lately started sucking at gaming! No! This must be the! Shock! Horror! CONSPIRACY!!!
_We have managed to get 8 matches of JO in the last 2 weeks. We got 52 matches in the first 5 weeks of the GJW, which averages out to more than double what we have gotten in
the last 2 weeks. It is obvious that the circumstances have changed, even
if there is no rationale for it. _
I mean, other than the fact that everyone, having realized that there's other games that are more fun and more points, has moved on to pastures that are both greener and significantly more 21st century. It was never that JO CTF was at all popular. It's just that, when it ceased being the only game in town, people decided to shift focus to worthier pastimes.
Down at the very bottom under TEAM GAMING, it is pretty clear what is going on here. The clans are uniting against Taldryan in an effort to snuff us out. That would be all fine and dandy if we could participate, since we would hold our own easily enough._
I told you! It's a conspiracy! And Phoebe touches my naughty places at night!! More seriously...uhm, what? CSP and CP would like to beat Taldryan. Hell, every Clan does, because they've always won before. A reminder that CP and CSP have been encouraged to play as well is just another way of saying 'play!!!'. It does not mean Don't game. Note to Sharad: We're ahead because we're playing. Not because we are not. Team games require a 'critical mass' of six players able and willing to play a game. All the Consuls of the three mentioned did was make sure there would be enough people to cross that threshold.
_Now, I'm sure you will just say that I'm whining because Tal isn't winning
for once, but that is simply not the case._
You know...I'm politically active, and a while back I was at this speech the city mayor gave. He started with I am not a man of many words. It went on for half an hour. I'm getting the same feeling, here.
We are unable to get team matches because no one will play. They all play other games, so they don't have to play us. Now I have no problem with them playing lots of games, since that is the purpose of the GJW and is all in good fun. No, the problem I have is that the team gaming ladder encompasses all platforms.
Yeah. How dare you put all Team gaming under 'team gaming'! The sheer audacity!
If we can't get matches for a normally popular platform (JO), yet they can get all they want in other platforms, how is that fair? The ladders should be split, so there is an actual incentive to play JO and stop avoiding playing Taldryan.
And JO is special...why? Seriously, I understand there's a Tally superiority complex at work, here, but JO is not the end-all be-all of gaming. Malidir pointed out recently that more events allow JO/JA than BF2 and EaW, even though there are more members who possess the latter according to the DJB membership statistics.
I am sure many will say that we can get the other games just the same as anyone else, but they can do the same with JO.
Because, apparently, the choices are between JO and a mysterious game called 'not JO' rather than an entire series of games. Other Clans have made the effort to try and excel in multiple platforms, so that there's always a game around to play. Taldryan has not, leading us to the happy conclusion that, whatever the GJW results might be, they've managed to lose Team Gaming all on their own.
Being competitive in a gaming event should not force participants to go out and buy one specific game.
He just said the whole fucking Brotherhood needs to accommodate Taldryan by obtaining a single, specific game! Uhm...lol, Sharad? At least try to stay on message rather than switching between The DJB should accommodate Taldryan's desires and No one should be forced to play games they don't want to.
The individual ladders clearly indicate that JO is still a popular platform, so it seems obvious that we are simply being avoided.
The individual ladders, where one of the options was JO/JA? While JO had an unprecedented upsurge in this GJW for some reason, it's long since passed the stage of the premier DJB game.
_I know that this feedback will do nothing to change the way this is being
handled, but I felt it was prudent to lodge a formal complaint about this
due to the inane unfairness of it.
Well, changing the rules mid-competition would be inane and unfa- oh, wait. That's not what you meant. That was from the RoS, when someone other than Taldryan had complaints. Sorry, I forgot. Sharad might just get what he wants.
Based on this, however, we now have an official T-Shirt, which is available for viewing at:
This was made by Kara. I might have sold my soul to Arcona (I got ice cream in return. Yum!), but my heart will always belong to her for that.
The bad:
Well, that was the good part of it all! Now here's the bad part which, by request, was delayed until today:
Based on stuff not too dissimilar to this, Braecen's getting CoJ'd.
Yeah, yeah. I know. You can stop gawking now. I know that you're all thinking 'but tim! You hate Braecen!'. And, back when I was last active, this was note entirely untrue. Hell, I wouldn't have counted him as an ally before this GJW, but the continued dickery brought to us by Taldryan has somehow done the impossible and united Arcona, Plagueis and even -urk- CSP. We've been talking for a while -initially on how Vowelchick was crazy, then the war itself- and I must say, this really is a shock. :P
Now, what happened?
Based on my best guess, Kir was getting bored now that the GJW was drawing to a close, and hence decided to spice matters up a little, because it wasn't like there's a million ACC battles to judge or anything. Then again, Kir's judgements are almost certainly the anonymous, hey-let's-not-explain-why-I-judged-what-I-judged battles currently defiling the finished section, so perhaps that's for the better.
Now, imagine yourself as a bored Justicar with a vengeful urge to smite the fuck out of some hapless fool, as well as some pretty good leads. Here are your choices:
A) Sklib, for telling Kara to STFU because men were talking. Pretty obvious, could fall under crude behavior, verbal abuse, or harassment as an obvious insult to one's gender.
B) Muz for, after seeing Kara leave for being harassed, saying it was because Hannah Montana came on instead of, you know, trying to do something to fix the situation. I'm not sure if this is a specific violation, but I am pretty sure that this is really fucking disgraceful for someone who's supposed to represent all of us, and hence this probably falls under Disreputable Behavior if nothing else.
C) Yourself, for changing the Rites of Combat in mid-GJW, without telling either the gaming Tribune (who's now been fired over a rule Muz made up retroactively) or the Grand Master. Then again, I'm not sure why he should tell the Grand Master, as Muz jumped to Kir's immediate defense anyway. This falls under Abuse of Power (the JST does not have any right to change the Rites of Combat, but does have the Wikying power to do so), and under the technical definition of cheating, as well. Tampering with official Brotherhood gameplay, indeed.
D) Kaek for sniping at Timeros in the DC channel for daring to disturb the peace, even though I heard NOTHING from his supposed desire for tranquility when Taldryan was accusing Arcona of dodging. Oh, whoops! I suppose that wasn't meant to get out, but again, there's ways to make something less well-known than saying it in supposed DC-only areas.
Like repeatedly screaming it in #db.
Again, there's no real article of reprimand that applies, but only because 'offensively stupid hypocrisy' is not a crime. Should be, though.
Given these choices, you would obviously discard them all without mention and instead pick:
E) Braecen, for telling his Summit to tell Kara that she would not have to accept any games if she was not in #dbgaming.
Well then, he did not do this without good cause. Upon accidentally gaining some information about this stuff, he immediately went to Vowelchick for corroberation. Vowelchick, of course, supplied him with some because she totally doesn't have a grudge against Braecen or anything. I mean, it's not like she's moving over to CNS out of fury that, when I attacked her with malicious glee, Braecen did not defend her. Braecen, of course, was asleep at the time, but that just shows how much of a dick he is, trying to sleep when I am out there unfairly targeting his more worthless members for being idiots.
That aside, the information she's given Kir is a log and, though some parties might disagree, sending people accurate logs is not a crime, so I'm guessing there's no problem there.
After retrieving this information, he got the damning message that Braecen had told his equally nefarious underlings (meaning Vowelchick, eventually) the following:
[15:15] <@Braecen> You can all remind her that she only has to accept matches if she is IN #dbgaming
[15:15] <@Braecen> If she isn't in there, she doesn't have to do shit
Of course, the first thing he then did was to try and talk to Braecen to find out what had happened instead of immediately deciding to accuse, and see what else might have been going o....oh. I see. Turns out that wasn't what happened. My bad.
Braecen then, can bless his lucky stars that his judge is completely impartial, and goes from the assumption of innocence on his part, as we can see in the following log. The spokesperson was removed, because they're genuinely sorry for what happened.
<redacted> I got Braecen CoJ'd?
> I would say that Braecen got Braecen CoJ'd
> the info you gave me just led me to people with better info
<redacted> Shit fuck.
> which led to the charges
<redacted> I feel bad.
<redacted> I don't hate the guy.
> You feel bad that he's getting CoJ'd for horribly taking advantage of 2 of his own members?
> I'd feel satisfied if I were you
...okay, so I was lying. Still, we know that we have a randomly selected Jury out there, right. I mean, it's not like...hm? Say what? Article what? grumbles. Oh, fine.
For your perusal, Article 8.03h:
For all trials in which the proposed penalty is a one-grade Equite or Elder demotion, a two-grade Journeyman demotion, a Letter of Reprimand, one year probation, or a combination of the above, the Justicar, with the advice of his Hands, will determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.
Oh, well.
We wish Braecen a pleasant fall from, and a speedy rejoinder to, the ranks of the Elders, as well as extend to him an open invitation to join Arcona should he decide that, after judgment, he's now cool enough to hang with us drama queens. Not that I think this is a setup or anything. It's not like Kir accused Braecen of cheating three times this War already.
So yeah, sorry, I felt like lying one last time.
Cya'll online,
-Arcona Invicta!</redacted></redacted></redacted></redacted>
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Chock this up to one of the best reports I've read so far.
Amazing, Timmy, absolutely fricken amazing.
Best. Report. Ever.