Clan Naga Sadow Proconsul Report #34 (2nd May 2009)
Dark Greetings Clan Naga Sadow,
I am proud to bring you my report, as it has some useful information for you all about the warm-up competitions leading to the Clan Artisan at the end of the month. So without further a due: READ ON!
Artisan War-Up
The following Competition Request has been approved.
Title: [CNS] Artisan Warm-Up
The following competitions are designed to be a warm-up events for
establishing the "Fractured Mirror" background for the Clan Artisan
Fractured Counterpart (Event 1): In the Fractured Mirror category on the
DB wiki create your character's Light Side counterpart. You may edit and
add at your own pace until the 25th. The best three articles will receive
crescents. Use the example below create the article. Please keep in
realism with your counterparts, a DJK will not have a Jedi Master
counterpart (see "Fractured Mirror" category on the wiki for addition
information to help you).
*Note - Participating in this event earns you 2 points for the scoreboard,
while addition points are given for first (3), second (2) and third (1)*
Name of Article: Ashura Konden (Fractured Mirror)
{ {Character
|type = Jedi
|name= Ashura Konden
[[Ashura Konden (Fractured Mirror)|Ashura Konden]] is the Jedi Master.
Unlike his [[Ashura Isradia|Dark Side counterpart]] he is a true believer
in the Light.
== Trivia ==
[[Category: Fractured Mirror]]
For an even better example check out the one Xanos made!
Fractured NPC (Event 2): This competition is similar to the one above
expect you can create any one non-playable character you like to exist in
"Fractured Mirror". You may edit and add at your own pace until the 25th.
The best three articles will receive crescents. There are no Dark Jedi in
"Fractured Mirror" (sorry). Please put in the trivia section your ID line
and name of competition.
*Note - Participating in this event earns you 2 points for the scoreboard,
while addition points are given for first (3), second (2) and third (1)*
Fractured Force (Event 3): Write up a detailed description (at least a
page in length) why the Light Side has dominance over the Force in
"Fractured Mirror" universe. Best entry will be put on the wiki. Send your
entry to Ashura ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
*Note - Participating in this event earns you 2 points for the scoreboard,
while addition points are given for first (3), second (2) and third (1)*
Fractured Image (Event 4): This is for all the artists in the clan, get
out your paint tools and create any picture you like of the "Fractured
Mirror" universe. Send your entry to Bob
([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). The winning entries may even find
themselves onto the wiki.
*Note - Participating in this event earns you 2 points for the scoreboard,
while addition points are given for first (3), second (2) and third (1)*
Fractured Mirror Trailer (Event 5): Use any multimedia device to create a
trailer to the "Fractured Mirror" prelude and send it to the clan mailing
list for everyone to enjoy. If you do not have YouTube or Photobucket to
host your trailer then I will upload it onto my Photobucket site and host
it for you.
*Note - Participating in this event earns you 2 points for the scoreboard,
while addition points are given for first (3), second (2) and third (1)*
Start Date: 5/4/2009
End Date: 5/25/2009
Unit in Competition: Clan Naga Sadow
See "Competition Specifics" for details
4th level crescents available for each event listed above.
At the end of the Artisan Warm up, the score points will be added up to
create a leaderboard for actually Clan Artisan Competition. The top three
winners of the main Artisan competition get to choose between the Light
Side Ending or the Dark Side Ending to the "Fractured Mirror" Fiction.
There is no specific order the events need to be done in. So go at your own pace. You have till the 25th: I wanted a couple of days to add the points up, create the leaderboard, send the awards and get the Week 1 fiction to you.
If you are interested in doing more to help out in the creation of the Fractured Mirror universe. Please drop me an e-mail and I'll give you an option of some things that need to be done. It's always better to have more than one person creating stuff.
GJW Results
Still waiting on this, please be patient. ;)
As always my door is always open, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just look for Ashura or ``Bandit on IRC.
Long live Naga Sadow
Battlelord Ashura Sadow, Knight First Class
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow
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