At last the war is done. The excitement is fallen and only the final tally remains. Much has happened over the course of the war and the House and the Clan has gone through some noticeable changes. Now it is time for things to settle back to normal and get some much needed regrouping, repair, and relaxation done.
We had a fair showing in the Great Jedi War many of us actually placing rather high in the rankings. I am proud of all of you for pushing so hard and while we may not win this war, we have shown we are not to be trifled with. Particular congratulations go to Manji Keibatsu and our Aedile Jade Atema for being honored as Children of Sadow. This is perhaps the highest honor that a clan can bestow on a member. So if you have not done so already make sure to congratulate them.
Our Aedile has called for an energetic revival. Plans are being set into motion that are aimed at bolstering our ranks and reviving our spirits. Look forward to some energetic changes and be prepared to get on board.
Yours truly also has a few plans in motion to which I will need some assistance. Before the war I had plans in motion to develop a new training regime. I like to use the word training loosely however as I think that training has been beaten down everyones throat. The idea however is to develop a clan centric organization to help members come together and work on improving their qualities and areas of interest.
In the past we have tried such things as a separate battleteam in a house designed around gaming or training nights for gaming and so on. The idea this time is instead to create a sort of club or guild without the trappings of rank, reports or position getting in the way. Rather it would simply be a workshop type environment whether it is for gaming, writing, or graphics, that any clan member can participate in and overseen by a few select individuals in order to facilitate activities and times. If this sounds interesting to you please let me know.
Another area I am working on touching up is our fictional background and quality as a House. I am looking to provide a very rich history to our house and thus our clan. We have a ton of fictional content the problem is that some of it is somewhat vague and other parts dont seem to make sense. One project in particular is the translation of the lost Epistle of Ragnos. I am writing this as if I were actually translating the text from the ancient sith lord of our houses namesake. When completed it will be transferred to a wiki page for all to see. If you are interested in assisting in something of this nature please let me know.
As we all know the war has come to an end and we are waiting for the final score to come out. As a clan I think we did well. I hear word that our Run-on in comparison to the other clans was rather strong. I would not be surprised at all if we took the win in this event.
I also know that the Battleplan event that we submitted to this time has also turned a few heads. I dont want to give anyone any false hope but I think it may give us a distinct edge in the final scoring but it is hard to say.
Bottom line we had some strong showings and pretty solid participation from those who participated.
The Proconsul has set about a new competition, the Clan Artisan Competition Shattered Mirror. This looks like a rather creative event with an interesting twist. Be sure to look it over. It starts the 31st.
Of course we all know that Muz is now the Grand Master and as such the Deputy Grand Master spot is up for grabs. While I am sure most of us are rather under qualified I do know that there are several of our higher ranked members who may fill the position rather nicely. If interested be sure to check out the main DJB page. In the end it never hurts to apply.
Also the Gaming Tribune is stepping down. This is a great chance for any of you gamers with leadership qualities and good plans for the future of Brotherhood gaming to step up and be recognized. I may apply myself.
The Artisan Competition Warm ups will be up soon and the Artisan Competition itself will be open on the 31st. Stay tuned.
None at this time.
All courses from the War already accounted for. No others at this time.
Savix Zuuran is promoted to Acolyte
None at this time
Dark-God joins us from the Shadow Academy
Ilse Sana joins us from the Shadow Academy
Sobaccus joins us from the Shadow Academy
Savix Zuuran joins us from the Shadow Academy
It has been an interesting two months and now it is back to business as usual. Be prepared for some changes coming soon as we of the leadership feel it is time we breathe some new life into our House. I encourage everyone to get on board and play their part.
If you ever have any issues please contact me or another member of your House Leadership even if you think it is something trivial or even if you are just having some problems with activity. Let us know as we can help.
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