**Prophecy Phyle Report
Tetrarch Kant Lavar, Report No. 4
4 May 2009**
The Executive Version
Congratulations on visiting the executive version of this report. You have chosen wisely and we value your discerning taste in deciding to take the few extra minutes to view a product of real quality. Everything in this report has been designed to meet the exacting standards that you have naturally come to expect. The report itself is made from the finest Colombian extracted pixels and the paragraphs have been created to fit exactly on to your monitor with all the precision of finest Swiss craftsmanship. The visual content has been quality graded to give you the finest in viewing pleasure. There is little or no offensive material apart from four cunts, one clitoris and a foreskin and as they only occur in this introduction you are past them now. You can relax and enjoy this quality product, secure in the knowledge that it has been specially created for the lover of fine things and the man (or woman) of good taste.
Obligatory Monologue
Yes, no fiction this week, but I tossed in a Monty Python reference so we're all good. I'm writing this report in between doing PT and hitting the shower, so I'm trying to knock this out as quick as possible. That said, I should, by rights, have done this on Saturday, but unfortunately I was somewhat busy trying to paint my Exterminator BattleMech in the colors of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns First Armored Cavalry Regiment. That, and I was waiting to see if GJW results would come out this weekend. Sadly, we were dissappointed. Though from what Timmy says, it sounds like everything except ACC is done, so that should be out this weekend.
On a side note I would like someone to help me out in updating the Prophecy wiki pages. Shoot me an email and we'll talk. My availability for the next week or so will be abnormally high; I only have to work today this week, and, save for eating times and the evening of the 7th, when I plan to go catch the new Star Trek movie, I'll be no more than a few feet from my computer at any given time. Therefore, I'd really like to get this knocked out this week if at all possible. There will be something in it for you, even if it's just head from Dash.
Competitions - Current
Competitions Upcoming
Shadow Academy
Awards & Promotions
Cool Thing of the Week
Beyond the Red Line. Free-to-download Battelstar Galactica port of Freespace 2, with both single- and multi-player pwnage and win.SO SAY WE ALL!
If you have something youd like to see here, be it a quote, factoid, news article, YouTube video, images, or just about anything else you stumble across on the intertubes, shoot me a link on email or IRC.
Closing Babble
In a small real life note, I would like to make the following announcement:
SHORT! 41 days left before I'm free! Woo hoo!
Arcona Invicta!
JH Kant Lavar (Obelisk)/TET/House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona [ACC:CL:1]
Dossier No. 8505
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