Time for another MAA report!
The Great Jedi War is finally over and the results will be out soon. Preemptive congratulations to whichever Clan takes first things were very close at the end and it could go in any direction. Hats off to everyone that participated.
I avoided making another report during the war since I didnt want to obscure any important newsposts. I also knew that you all had much more important things to do. But my one-year mark as MAA came and passed during the war. Ive been MAA in total for almost 2 years now. I dont really know if that means Im super dedicated or if Im just crazy :P
Policy Updates and Clarifications
Clan-to-Clan transfers are now authorized once more. If you wish to transfer to another Clan, please follow the procedures normally.
I distributed a guide to all Consuls on how to reward everyone for Great Jedi War participation. Id just like to underscore the fact that Great Jedi Wars are unique times in the Brotherhood and the standards for awarding medals and promotions following wars are vastly different than during normal periods of Brotherhood activity. Keep this in mind once the medals start flying out. I expect a veritable orgy of promotions and medals during the week following the release of the GJW results. Itll be fun times!
Medal Revision Project: Ive put this on hold until after the GJW orgy of medals/promotions. Once those are complete and I am finished with my exams, this should occur quickly. Ive fallen behind on my original timetable for getting this done but Ive been rather busy lately. Oh well; itll get done before I retire.
Super AWOL Check: Possibly cancelled depending on several sneaky Kaekey policy changes that may or may not be on the horizon
Promotion Requirements: Released no recent changes
MAA Policy Project: This is on hold because the coders are busy and dont want to help me :P
Applications for Praetor have been received and I have vetted the first wave of them. Thanks to everyone who applied. I will be continuing the interview and evaluation process after I finish my last exam and am back from my vacation in Chicago in a few weeks.
Ask Kaek
I have no questions here to answer, unfortunately, since most of you were busy with the war. Please feel free to submit some for next time around!
Closing Remarks
I just wanted to make a quick remark about something Ive noticed recently. The sheer level of personal hatred and vitriol in the club has dramatically increased over the course of this war. There has always been a hotly contested rivalry amongst the Clans but it never seemed wholly personal. Now, however, the rivalry has become a blood feud. In many ways I am not surprised by this; but I am quite disappointed. I dont personally believe anyone or any Clan is innocent when it comes to these problems. I admit my share of guilt. But we all need to take a step back and reevaluate why were here if our sole purpose for continued participation in the club has become hatred of another Clan or of other members. The whole point of this club is to bring like minded people together to enjoy themselves in a friendly atmosphere. Does that mean you have to get along with everyone? No, certainly not. Does it mean you cant consider another Clan or other members to be rivals? Nope. But what it does mean is that pure, unadulterated hatred even if deserved has no place here. I encourage everyone to stop and reevaluate their attitudes. We really need to stop hurling insults at one another and reorient ourselves before its too late and the atmosphere of the club is truly destroyed. Ive tried to be better at this recently; I hope many of you will follow suit. Remember, were all here together because we want to have a good time. Dont lose sight of this true objective.
Kinda a funny speech for a club of Dark Jedi :P
Dark Jedi Master Syn Kaek
Master At Arms
DJM Syn Kaek (Sith)/MAA/Dark Council
AK/GC-PoTP/SC-SoH/AC-ToSC/DC-GP/SN-BL/Cr-8A-2S-3E-5T-3Q/CF-SF/DSS-BL/SI-AuL/SoL-BE/LS-AuL/ S:-9M-3R-1C-2D-3Do-4Dk-1Rm-14P
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lol Your two year mark means you are both dedicated and crazy. :) However, it's defiantly not a bad thing... :)
Here's an Ask Kaek question:
Wasn't Tarax an AWESOME Praetor? (Answer: Yes, yes he was.)
Tarax: great Praetor or greatest Praetor? :P (hi Sklib)
Definitely greatest.
Tarax was a great Praetor, I was the GREATEST Praetor