Well the GJW is done and the results are in. We scored high in many events this GJW though ended up only as 5th in over all Clan against Clan. A big change from nearly winning the war a couple years ago but Im impressed with everyone who took part!!! Wow what an awesome job!!! No let me rephrase that
WOW what an AWESOME job!!! Many of you placed, and those who didnt, stuck with it and fought, showing the true spirit of Naga Sadow!!!
And with so many wonderful awards, Im going to list not only what you got but why!
Congrats again to everyone!!!
JH Bal Demona joins us from House Exar Kun of Clan Plagueis. Welcome to Marka Ragnos and Clan Naga Sadow!!
Horus Blackheart received a Sliver Novae for in the Contingencies II battleplan
Valorian received a Sliver Novae for in the Contingencies II battleplan
Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia received a Sliver Novae for in the Contingencies II battleplan
Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Kalei received a Sliver Novae for helping out in the Contingencies II battleplan
Kalei Basai received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Bal Demona received a Silver Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Mitsuhide Akechi received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
William "Archaon" Darkfire received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Raistlin Sadow received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Ekeia Iclo received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Valorian received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Valorian received a Silver Novae for Depiction" multimedia event
Valorian received a Silver Novae for "Know your Allies" graphics event
Valorian received a Silver Novae for "Effects of War" graphics event
Valorian received a Silver Novae for "Sector Sketch" Graphics event
Zaroth Rakiroyo received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Fremoc "Demonic" Pepoi received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Shan Long received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Manji Keibatsu Sadow received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Manji Keibatsu Sadow received a Gold Novae for Free Reign" fiction event
Jedgar Paladin received a Sliver Novae for helping out in the Contingencies II battleplan
Jades A Sadow received a Gold Novae for Orders" Run-on event
Savix Zuuran passed ACC Initiates Course
Savix Zuuran passed History of the sith Empire II
KP Zaxen Dauketrenal Isradia vs. KP Legorii Kryotek Entar with KP Legorii the victor. Awesome fight though Zaxen!!
DJK Valorian vs. KP Legorii Kryotek Entar with DJK Valorian being the victor! Great job!!
DJK Valorian vs. KE Timeros Caesus Entar with KE Timeros being the victor. Great fight Valorian!!
KE Manji Keibatsu Sadow vs. DA Braecen Kaeth with DA Braecen Kaeth being the victor. Great fight though Manji!!
KE Manji Keibatsu Sadow vs. OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae with Manji being the Victor!! Sweet job Manji!!
KP Raven vs. DA Braecen Kaeth with DA Braecen Kaeth being the victor. Awesome job though Raven!!
GM Jedgar Paladin vs. OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae with Paladin the victor!! Way to go Paladin!!
Again congrats to everyone!! Everything you did made a difference, whether you placed, won, lost, or not!!!
The Artisan Competition is coming up soon so look for that.
Also dont forget to apply for the New Battle Team of HMR!!! You have until May 10!!!!!
In Darkness
KAP Jade A Sadow(Krath)/AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
Daughter of Sadow
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