Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Dark Greetings House Ludo Kressh!

WOO HOO, awards have been posted from the Great Jedi War. The following members have served their House and Clan proudly. They have earned new shiny merit awards and I would like to acknowledge each and everyone of them.


Grand Cross of the Dark Side

Darth Vexatus

Alexander Anderson

Steel Cross

Joseem Maruuch

Krandon Rowella

Macron Goura Sadow

Anteian Cross

Tsainetomo Keibatsu Sadow

Malik Sadow

Dyrra Skye

Tsingtao Ming

Dark Cross

Malisane De Ath Sadow

Astronicus "Tron" Aurelius Sadow


Dismal Visutor

Mei Kyoko


Congratulations to all! Tsainetomo and I will be selecting our new Black Guards in the upcoming week.

Fractured Mirror

"Fractured Mirror" is an alternate Star Wars universe where members of Clan Naga Sadow taken on their Light Side counterparts for the Clan Artisan Competition 2009. *taken from the Wiki

For more information please check out the site created by ProConsul Ashura Isradia Sadow

Fractured Mirror

To see who is so far involved:

Wiki Entry

Jade Serpents Battle Team

Now that everything is back to normal, the Jade Serpents have taken the mantle as House Ludo Kressh's Training Battle Team. What does this mean? The Jade Serpents will now house our newer members. Here the leader of the Battle Team will help new members with their trials, help them become familiar with Run-Ons (hey it's our Clan's specialty), and more importantly, get the new members used to the type of activities we have all come to know and love.

Current Roster:

Battle Team Leader - Krandon Rowella

Flight Leader - Dismal Visutor

Flight Leader - Devani Kiriana Maharet


Adrian Kiarey





Merak H'darr

Leole Mahou


Jinius Griffin

More info to come about our new Training Battle Team.


Congratulations are in order to the following members:

NOV Jinius Griffin has been promoted to the rank of Acolyte with all rights and privileges.

APP Marcus Kiriyu has been promoted to the rank of Novice with all rights and privileges.

APP Leole Mahou has been promoted to the rank of Novice with all rights and privileges.

Good job and keep up the good work.

New Members

In the month of April, we have received new members. Please join me in welcoming our newest members.

Leole Mahou

Yong Outlander

Marcus Kiriyu

If you happen to see or interact with these members, make them feel at home.

In closing,

Go have some fun. Join us in our IRC channel, our forums, or the mailing list.

In Darkness,

Sith Battlemaster Tsingtao Ming

Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh

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