**Prophecy Phyle Report
Tetrarch Kant Lavar, Report No. 6
18 May 2009**
Learn To Quit When You're Ahead
Kant Lavar bent over the scattered pieces of his blaster, keeping a steady stream of invectives pouring from his mouth in at least four different languages as he prodded the parts with various diagnostic tools. This always happened. He got a bit ahead of himself, tried to do something he really only had the vaguest idea how to do, and ended up having to get it done anyway.
Lavar tossed the current probe to the table in disgust. Now he'd have to go find one of the House armorers to get his blaster back in working order. So much for that mod... Lavar started to reassemble the blaster as best he could, muttering a curse about the modification's manufacturer, their parentage, and possible progeny in a manner most would hesitate to use, even if the target of their ire wasn't in earshot.
Of course, Lavar reflected darkly, if they were in earshot, they would also be where Lavar could inflict grievous bodily harm to them with a lightsaber...
Obligatory Monologue
So yeah. The fic above is actually kinda feeding off of recent events. I picked up some additional air-cooling stuff for my computer a new CPU heatsink & fan, an aftermarket GPU heatsink and fan, and a RAM fan. I also picked up a new fan controller to run them but, after a weekend of cursing and trying to get the damn things working, the body count stands at one graphics card replaced, and one dead motherboard, with its replacement on order.
So, I'm back on my little school netbook for a while until said motherboard arrives at my door.
In actual DB-related news, we got newbies! Drinks are on you guys, you know who you are. Also, the MAA is doing a DB-wide AWOL check. All Arconans only have until the 25th of May to send an email containing their ID line and PIN to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or you will be sent to the Rogues no exceptions. You can thank him, too saved me the trouble of running an AWOL check myself.
Competitions - Current
Shadow Academy
Awards & Promotions
PRT Marick earned an Dark Cross for his work in the GJW especially in that never-to-be-sufficiently-damned RO.
DJK Zakath earned a Crescent with Emerald Star for the Jedi Trainer Flash Game competition.
DJK Jeric Cyrin earned a Scroll of Indoctrination for putting up links to the DJB in the mundane corners of the intertubes.
JH Celahir Erinos ** earned a **Scroll of Indoctrination also for helping get the word out.
Closing Babble
I'm combining the cool stuff section into the closing babble section, since nobody's sending me shit for it. :-P
Anyway, no real closing babble. Just a video with a twist on a Monty Python skit. Linky.
Arcona Invicta!
JH Kant Lavar (Obelisk)/TET/House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona [ACC:CL:1]
Dossier No. 8505
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