Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Night Hawks Report

Well, here we go again, another week, and it is even getting closer to summer for those of you who don't have school anymore. It would seem we are still doing alright with activity, though some of it hasn't been sent in yet. We need to try to step it up a bit though.

BTL Real Life

Nothing has really changed in terms of my real life. Will be getting a "new" computer...well new to me anyways. Got a friend who's giving me her old one in a few week. (Has to come from Florida after she gets a portable hard drive). Other than that, work is going well and everything else seems to be going fine.


Seems we did have a few shinies come in this past week. Congrats to Keia for getting 3 Scrolls of Indoctrination!


Okay, I know it's been a short time since my last report, but we are getting some progress in terms of activity.

Zaroth is awaiting word from former Night Hawk leaders to get the wiki history updated.

Bal is working on his Fractured Mirror wiki page.

Keia is working on our Night Hawks logo still, on her major project for her promotions, two wikis for the Fractured Mirror competition, the graphics competition for the Fractured Mirror as well as her new Character Sheet for the ACC.

I've been working on recruiting and had one newer member of the house approach me just yesterday asking if he could join, so we should be getting another member here soon if he emails the people I told him too, though I did give him the okay if he wanted to really join in.


As you can see, we are still working, but time is running out for anything dealing with the Fractured Mirror. Remember, the link I sent out yesterday is due on the 24th. It is a 2 page writing, it isn't that much. Standard formatting just like most competitions. Just write about the light-sided version of yourself.

And remember, I can be contacted by email or on IRC when I'm not at work and my internet is actually working.

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