**Prophecy Phyle Report
Tetrarch Kant Lavar, Report No. 7
25 May 2009**
Obligatory Monologue
Quick & dirty report today, since there's not a hell of a lot going on. First, I've got a couple of smaller comps written up. The first one is in the submission queue, and the second, once I get it polished up, will follow soon. Second, I've also got an idea for a larger-scale comp- Legz, Arc, I'll run this by you guys once I post this report.
In DB-related news, the Shadow Academy site is now fully automated. What does this mean to us? Well... good things. For one, this should help the grading of courses go much faster. Also, some new courses are debuting. Check out the Academy site and the latest Headmaster report for more information and details. In a related note, our own Taig got promoted by the Headmaster to Battlemaster. Woot for Taig!
Competitions - Current
Shadow Academy
Awards & Promotions
Closing Babble
Nothing much going on this week. I'm gonna run out to get lunch real quick one of the disadvantages of being in the Army is that I have to eat when the dining facility is open, unless I want to pay twice for a meal. And I'm trying to save up money right now, so meh. At least the food is decent.
Arcona Invicta!
JH Kant Lavar (Obelisk)/TET/House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona [ACC:CL:1]
Dossier No. 8505
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