Finally, I announce the release of the fruit of my three months as Combat Master. With the help of a selected few, I have taken apart a fading ACC and remodelled it to eliminate any confusion, giving it a nice new polish. Now all the rules are straight to the point, as we also bring you new features.
The ACC now shall enter a new era of stability, where we will instead work on providing with a faster and more reliable service, and the perfection of our Staff. Expect a new wave of interesting competitions to come out in the following months!
Guides :
Arena Guide
The Venue Guide provides members with a detailed list of arenas and planets that members can choose to battle in. Any arena is allowed, and anyone may still request his own, even if it isnt in the guide. With this, members should never run out of ideas for arenas!
Weapon Guide
A detailed list of Blasters and Bladed weapons is now provided to members who wish to wield distinct weapons. The are no obligations to using any weapons inside this guide, and members are still entitled to their regular and custom weapons.
Vendetta Guide
The vendetta guide was written to provide members who are creating vendetta activities with a set of guidelines on the ways the ACC activities should be run. Details on calculating winning points and activities is listed in it.
Judge / Traine Guide
This Guide, only available to the ACC Staff now detail all there tasks and will disperse any confusion there may have been in the past between Judge and Trainer tasks.
ACC Live Guide
A guide that is provided to everyone, this details the ways of running an ACC Live match, by contacting the ACC Live Judge and setting a date where the Combat will occur.
Deathmatch Guide
The Deathmatch Guide is provided to the ACC Staff to know how to run a Deathmatch battle, as it is more complicated then the regular battles. Note to Judges : You are to read this, and learn the basics before judges a Deathmatch battle.
Rules :
Standard Rules
The standard rules were all rewritten now straighter to the point then ever. This new list should eliminate any remaining confusion in the rules. Though it is a longer read, you should take the time to read it once, and know the rules for good.
Ladder Rules
Same as Standard Rules
Deathmatch Rules
Ah finally, a set of rules, and the guidelines to requesting a Deathmatch battle for you and your friends! Read it up and get some team battles going!
New Features :
Post-Count Selector
The post count selector will allow members in the Fighter, Journeyman, and Hardcore halls to challenge and decide the amounts of posts that is to be in the fight. (6+2, 8+2, 10+2, 14+2, and 18+2) All members will now be pleased, and can fight in a short intensive battle, or face in a drawn out Epic battle!
Deathmatch Hall
Goodness! Team battles have finally arrived to the ACC! Challenge a few friends and make some teams. Fight to the death through rounds, until on team is left standing! Make sure you read the rules to find out how things work!
ACC Live
Up for some faster paced action? Have an hour to spare? Get in touch with an opponent and a Live Judge and get to some line by line fighting on IRC!
The Rite of Exaltation
In co-operation with the Oracle, we are bringing to you a mighty new ritual that will replace the boring artefact ring. Though the effects are the same, the Rite of Exaltation brings new fiction to the ACC. Make sure to read about it in the ACC Compendium!
Other :
Website Layout
A new layout was created to better fit the feel of the Dark Side. Feel the Dark Side and allow it to burn through you as you write your battles in a new and darker ambiance. Note that the site was built for Internet Explorer and not for Netscape and Mozilla based browsers. The table transparency does not function with Netscape and Mozilla and the website may look slightly more boring. Note that it still loads faster and has better functionality. Anyways what are you waiting for get iE or Opera. MUAHAH
Judge Stats : Pie Charts
A new tool for the leaders of the ACC, it will allow them to view the activity of all members of the ACC staff, allowing us to make improvements on their activity.
ACC History
A new ACC History was written replacing the old, misguided one and now decorated by the portraits of past and current Combat Masters (Mairin, Timeros, Xizor, and Oscura)! Have some nice reading!
Force Abbreviations
With the new Force Powers update, the Force abbreviations were rewritten. Remember that while reading a battle, if you wish to know what an abbreviation means, simply place your mouse cursor over it, and watch a small message appear with a full description!
Senior Judges / Trainers
A new class was created for the Judges and Trainers to grow to. They are promoted to Senior Judges after long months of serving, and extended loyalty and activity to the ACC. They are given a few more tasks and responsibilities. With the Overhaul I wish to announce the first two Senior Judges, Dalthid and our Headmaster, Kaiann, and our two Senior Trainers, returning CM Emeritus, Timeros, and the mighty Oracle, Trevarus.
Judges Personality Exam
Before becoming a Judge, candidates will have to pass a new exam that will describe to the Combat Master what their personalities and ways of thinking might be. There are no wrong or right answers for this, and the will pass, whether the CM deems their personality good enough to serve as Judge. Successful members will have Judge Certified added to their Member Dossiers.
Credits : (MAJOR thanks for the help and support to everyone, Combat Master Oscura)
JaM3z Lucius Entar I would never have accomplished this without this guys precious help. Hes possibly one of the greatest and most important assets of the Brotherhood as a whole.
Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler Thank you for the great job you have accomplished as my praetor over the last few months. Your help has allowed me to accomplish a successful overhaul.
Trevarus Caerick Of course, how could I forget the man behind the Rite of Exaltation, and the co-writer of the history! Thanks your help was a key to my success.
Mejas Doto You have written a perfected and will accomplished Vendetta guide. I am quite greatful of you letting me use this!
And everyone who participated to the Arena Guide Competition!
Id like to get some feedback on this, and what you all think of this. Changes can still eventually be made to it, we want this to fit your likings. We want our members to want to come the ACC. Get some battles done, win some awards, or even become champions!
Note that slight changes may still occur over the following months to finish the polishing of the Centre.
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The new ACC site looks cool...but it's shaded a bit "dim," isn't it? Found myself squinting a bit at time to read the grey text against the overall shadiness of the site...
You should check the screen darkness. Of course I'm not one to tell you what you should take, but technically your screen shot have Contrast at 100% and Brightest AT LEAST at 50% though the "Professional setting" on a remotly good screen is 75% brightness.
I have that problem as well, even with my setting bumped all the way up :/ Otherwise it looks great.