Multiplayer fun at the Interclub Training Event!


Multiplayer fun at the Interclub Training Event!

As most people who have been here for a few months know, I run a weekly competition in #Outerrim called the Interclub Training Event. During the ICTE, members signup to play various multiplayer games, ranging from JO and JA to XvT and XWA. Though JO and JA are by far the most popular, members may find matches in other games there, as well. Participants in the ICTE can earn Clusters of Fire and Crescents depending upon how many matches they play. This is a great way for new members to show they're willing to be active. Best of all, this event is not restricted by clubs - Members of all organizations intermingle freely.

With the addition of the Force Elite Soldiers as an ally, and the linking of the FES server and Undernet via #Outerrim, we're expecting a larger turnout for this ICTE. I'd love to see more DBers showing up tomorrow. I miss the days of awarding over a hundred CF's in one sitting. ;)

So if you're looking for some multiplayer gaming, stop by #Outerrim on Saturday, after 4 pm EST. We'll be gaming all afternoon and night, and I look forward to seeing a good showing there!

Telaris "Mav" Cantor
Lord Chamberlain

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