Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Walking out of Cethgus office Kaira stood there in shock. The man had just informed her that they were reopening an older battle team. He told her it would take a lot of hard work to get this team up to snuff with Exar’s Shadow but Kaira wasn’t going to shy away from a challenge like this. Oh no she was looking forward to it. This would mean she had people to talk to and things to plan. Oh no Kaira wasn’t about to let her house down or the leadership that had entursed her with this task.


Well I would think you all would know by now the biggest news for us is that we have a new Battleteam. Blades of Kun is open and ready for busincess. In other news we have new leadership in the clan.

Exarch Cethgus Kuga is our house’s new Quaestor.

Priest Ood Bnar Sythe'rae is our house’s new Aedile.

Jedi Hunter Octavia Kuga is our the new leader of Exar’s shadow

As you can see lots of changes even a new battle team with moi as your new leader!

In other news we have an opening as well. Cethgus is looking for a Rollmaster for the house. The following is the requirements he would like to see in your application.

Rank - Required Rank of Jedi Hunter

Email - Email turn around of 48 hours

Able to advice younger members

Able to keep the wiki page up to date

IRC presence

In Clan news Alaris is still without IRC at this time. If you have a pressing matter please bring it to your house leaders first then if you still have problems email Alaris. That will be the best way to get in touch with him.

Now that our house and clan have set Leadership I would like to remind you all of the chain of command so you don’t step on any ones toes if you have trouble with something.

First if you are part of a battle team talk to your battle team leader. Even if your not part of a team talk to the battle team leader of your house. They might be able to help you before running off to the other leaders in the house. If they ca’t help you then it is time to head to your Aedile. If they can’t help you then it is time to move on to the Quaestor. Now if you find that none of your house leaders can help you then and only then should you email the Proconsul and the consul.

Now if you are on IRC and something comes up right then look to see if the leaders are on if they are talk to them. Emailing and pm is the best way to let your leaders know that there are problems. If for some reason no one in the clan can help you it is time for you to move on to the dark council but ONLY after there is NO OTHER WAY. Please remember that the members of the dark council have a lot on there plate and don’t need to deal with every little detail of clans.


We have a number of house and clan actives going on right now. I would ask that you all remember there is a list of them not only here in my report once a week but also on the main Brotherhood page.

*Title: [HEK] Contraband *

Requested By: KP Ood Bnar Sythe'rae

Specifics: Aedile Ood is having trouble clearing out his office, former AED Ralph Vundu has left quite a mess out there.

Help Ood sort through all the illegal Contraband collected in the Aedile office and:

A) catalogue it in a list

B) write a Poem describing your search

Either A or B is a competition on its own and both are worth 5th level crescents

Entries to be sent to QUA Cethgus and AED Ood (emails to be found on house page)

Start Date: 6/14/2009

End Date: 6/28/2009

Unit in Competition: House Exar Kun

Platforms: writing,

please use .doc extension. I can read all others but this is the easiest.

Awards: 5th Level crescents

(two sets of three, one set for A, one for B)

Comments: Max limit = 1 page 12 TNR

*Title: Mug Shot *

Requested By: KP Kaira Rohana

Specifics: Create a head shot of a member of the house HEK. It could even be of your self if you so chose. Show off the person character in the picture. Make them come alive.

Start Date: 6/5/2009

End Date: 6/19/2009

Unit in Competition: House Exar Kun

Platforms: jpg, gif or png (please make sure they aren’t more then 400x400)

Awards: 4th Level Crescents

Comments: Email them to Kara at *[Log in to view e-mail addresses] the [Log in to view e-mail addresses] *

(Has been oked by Clan summit)

*Title: The Light in the Dark *

Requested By: DJK Yadar Shyk

Specifics: You are slowly approached by a dark figure clad in armor covered in Sith runes who introduces himself as Godo Nurok. “Hello, I am here to invite you to join a brotherhood, we have heard of your actions against the order and wish to have you join our ranks,” said the man, “If you decide to accept this offer meet me on Utapau, you’ll find me eventually if you want to join.” Before you can react at seeing this Sith scum trying to draw you to the Dark side he leaps backwards off the ledge. You rush over only to see him flying off in a star ship. You realize it is your duty as a Jedi no matter what you’ve done to hunt this scum down and remove the stain of his life from the galaxy.

OOC: Write at least 3 pages in 12 or 14 point font single spaced fiction describing the situation above from your characters point of view if he had joined the Jedi order instead of the brotherhood ending with the fight between you and Godo. Yes, even if you don’t have one you may possess a light saber in this because it is in a alternate reality were you are a Jedi in the Jedi Order. Send your entries to me **([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), Godo ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), and the activity tracker ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). **The reward is third level crescents.

Start Date: 5/22/2009

End Date: 6/22/2009

Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis

Platforms: word processors

Awards: 3rd lvl crescents

Comments: Approved by Alaris - CP CON

*Title: Give it a Cap V2.1 *

Requested By: DJK Sanguinius Tsucyra

Specifics: 3 Funny Pictures each week for you to give amusing, funny, strange or even down right weird captions to.

The pictures will be posted in the Clan Plagueis forum area and emailed out over the mailing group.

Remember to send your entries to my email and to the Plagueis Activity Tracker. All entries posted on the Forum will not be accepted.

**My email is: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

The Activity Tracker email is:

[Log in to view e-mail addresses] **

Start Date: 6/5/2009

End Date: 7/3/2009

Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis

Platforms: Email

Awards: 4th Level Crescents

Comments: Approved by Clan Summit

*Title: Jaecyns Untimely Return *

Requested By: JH Jaecyn Kai Interm

Specifics: With Jaecyn's disappearance shortly after the end of the War, several rumors had lifted from the ranks about whether he had turned to a Jedi or had been killed. Even gone rogue. Though after several weeks he has returned, his cloak in tatters as the Prodigy's shuttle would touch down in the docking bay of Plagueis's newest ship, the NSD Ascendancy.

The Idea for this competition is to write what your characters response would be to his 'untimely return.'

Would they be angry and frustrated with him for having left? Or would they understand why someone would leave and simply be happy to have them back.

2 Page Minimum. 12 Point Times New Roman.

Please relay submissions to *[Log in to view e-mail addresses] and the activity tracker at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] *

Start Date: 6/12/2009

End Date: 6/22/2009

Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis

Platforms: Writing

Awards: 3rd Level Crescents

Comments: Approved by the Summit. (sorry for the second application. Didn't include the submission addresses)

*Title: [Plagueis] Weekly Trivia *

Requested By: DJK Sanguinius Tsucyra

Specifics: Weekly Trivia: 20 Questions, all Star Wars, DJB and Sci-Fi related.

Will be based on IRC in an aforementioned private room for CP members only.

Will run each week on Sunday Afternoon at 3pm EST, 8pm GMT.

Start Date: 6/7/2009

End Date: 8/30/2009

Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis

Platforms: IRC

Awards: Legion of Scholar

Comments: Approved by Clan Summit

One other Activity I wish to keep in your minds is the Saturday ICTE gaming contest. Just join #outerrim on IRC and play games. Trust me you will have fun. Just remember if you do play games to send the number to the activity tracker email.


None to report yet but I hope there will be some soon!

Roster Changes:

This is where I am going to ask if you wish to join this unit you email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] I would love to have a full team so come out and join!


Well right now the only match I know of is

Kaira Rohana Vs Cethgus Kuga

Since this is one of my first battles I will have to keep you all up todate on it.

*Battle team Activity: *

Well now I am sure you all want to hear what the first Activity will be for our battle team oh yes I have one all planned out. How ever I would like to ask all members to help out with ideas as well just email me your ideas.

Title: Motto for Blades of Kun


Since this battle team is reopening we need a fresh motto for the team.

This make this short and snappy.

**Start Date: 6/17/2009

End Date: 6/24/2009**

Unit in Competition: Battle Team Blades of Kun





5th level Crescent for top three


email them to Kaira at **[Log in to view e-mail addresses] and the Plaguies activity

tracker [Log in to view e-mail addresses]**


Wow my first report is now coming to an end. I am sorry it was so long but there is so much going on right now that I didn’t want any one to miss out on anything. Truly you will not be able to be bored and if you come to me saying you are bored I am going to point you to all the contests going on right now. Lets get moving and get them going. I want to see you all working hard and having fun.

On a side note life right now is busy for me since it is summer. If for some reason you don’t see me on it is due to being out side playing in my pool. Just shoot me an email and I will be with you the moment I am back.

KP Kaira Rohana (Krath)/TET/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1]

SB / GC / SC / AC / DC / SN-BL / Cr-1D-1R-7A-11S-19E-7T-5Q / CF-PF / SI-BL / SoL / LS / S:-21U


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