Octavia sat back in her new high backed, overstuffed chair and rubbed her tired eyes. The pregnant Battle Team Leader had been under a lot of stress as of late, and it was finally taking its toll. Streching her back and cracked her neck she grabbed her communicator and sat back agai, rubbed her slightly swollen belly before speaking into it. Starrett, Mehrunes, I need to see you both in the Battle Team office please. Not even waiting for an answer, the new Commander shut her communicator and went back to her data pad and worked until the door opened to reveal the men she had called to meet with her. Octavia stood and motioned for Mehrunes and Starrett to enter the newly redecorated office. Smiling gently she pointed to the chairs and waited for them to sit before she began her little speech.Gentlemen, I have called you to my office because I have seen both of you in action, and I must say Im impressed. As you know, our Clan has hit some rough patches as of late, and I believe our Battle Team is a way to lead us to greatness, dont you agree? The men nodded and Octavia walked over to the window and looked out it. I have called you both in here because I believe that you both have amazing talent, and I would like to use that talent, shape it, and use it to not only revamp the Battle team, but the house, and ultimately the Clan. Turning back to them she smiled again. I need your experience and time, and I am requesting you both to be my Flight Leaders. She watched the men look between then and walked back to her desk as they both stood and shook her hand. Now gentlemen, please sit and relax we need to get this work started.
<font color="blue">_ News_</font color></Font size>
Hello My Amazing, Wondrous House of Kun! As you can see, Exars Shadow now has official flight leaders!!!!! Wooohooo! I have full faith that Starrett and Mehrunes will do us proud. They both have been around a while, and are both smart, funny, outstanding individuals that have excelled and will contune to excel within the House and Clan. Congrats Gentlemen!
Also, congrats to Arion on his new job!! However, we will miss you as out PCON, but we know that if we need you, you are just an email away! :D
<font size="4"><font color="blue">Contests</Font Color></Font size>
House Competitions:
2.Mug shot
Clan Competitions
5.Jagan's Weekly Gaming Jamboree!
These comps are for us to do!! :D so lets do them!! :D
<font size="4"><font color="blue">Promotions</font color></Font size>
Apprentice Ecolore Altinore to NoviceEcolore Altinore
Guardian Mehrunes "Bane" Dagon to Jedi Hunter Mehrunes "Bane" Dagon
Congrats You guys!! You did a great job!! Keep it up!
Alright all thats all Ive got! Have a great week, and expect an email from me in the next coming days.
Serving in Darkness,
JH Octavia Kuga (Obelisk)/CMDR/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: INI]
DC / SN / Cr-1E-2T-1Q
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