Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Report Time!

That’s right kiddies, it’s time for you to hear from your esteemed Rollmaster. I only have a couple of things to cover, so I’ll keep this fairly short- that way you can all get back to boozing and fighting.

Master-Student Program

First up is the Master-Student Program. Now, since I’ve been fairly busy with the Disciples of Ragnos (more on that in a second) I’ve let this sit on the back-burner for a little while; now it’s time to get stuck into it.

As such, what I need is for those members of the House who are currently Masters (or have agreed to be a Master to somebody) to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] telling me who they are currently responsible for. It’ll take, literally, thirty seconds out of your life and it’ll mean that I can track how everybody is doing that much better. Also, if anybody below the rank of Dark Jedi Knight in the House would like a Master, again- [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and I’ll see if I can set something up.

That’s all on that topic, for now- once I’ve got a nice, up-to-date list of Masters and Students I can start thinking about ways to streamline and improve the system.

Disciples of Ragnos

Yep, as you’ve probably seen; this is edging ever closer to being properly ready. On that note, I’d like to call for any volunteers who are willing to help us out with this- whether you can make graphics, or are good at writing, we can use you. [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and let us know what you’d be willing to help with for the chance to have your stuff impact the history and canon of the House, and also for the chance to give people something really cool to get involved in!

Rollmaster’s Rundown

That’s right- time for a rundown of the various shinies, promotions and other things people have earned over the last week or so. Here goes:


Couple of big ones, first of all- we have some new Knights in the House! Everybody give it up for DJK Fremoc “Demonic” Pepoi and DJK Ekeia Iclo! And buy them a drink, dammit!


The medals from the last week of Fractured Mirror are in, and it’s a nice little list! Check it out:

Valorian earned himself a Crescent with a Sapphire Star and a Dark Cross for all his participation! Great job!

Vladek also got himself a Crescent with a Sapphire Star and a Dark Cross! Congratulations!

Raven picked himself up a Crescent with a Sapphire Star! Sweet!

Fremoc grabbed himself a Crescent with an Emerald Star! Nice job!

Shadow Academy Courses:

William Darkfire has been rocking the Shadow Academy, having passed the Grammar Studies exam and then earned himself a Dark Maven for Writing! Well done!

Fremoc has also been active in the SA, having passed the new Force Cults exam! I need to check that out myself- nice work!

New Members:

We’ve a couple of new members who’ve returned to the House or transferred in from elsewhere as well- everybody say hello to Ylith and Umbra if you see them hanging around on IRC!

In Conclusion

That’s all for this week; check out this awesome bullet point summary.

•Masters, email me and let me know who your Apprentices are! People who want a Master, email me and ask for one!

•Disciples of Ragnos- you can help us make it awesome! Email me to get involved!

•Plenty of medals and two new Knights!

That’s all for now- sayonara, kiddies!

**KE Manji Keibatsu Sadow (Krath)/RM/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow

Son of Sadow

The One-Eyed Dragon**

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