Report time. Mostly Announcements....<p>
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First things first. The first Independent House under the newest guidelines was approved today. It should come to no surprise to those that have been paying attenetion that Independent House Revan was being put together, and their work to get it off the ground was pretty solid. Well done.
I also recently filled a few positions. Halcyon Taldrya will be replacing the retiring Shadow Taldrya as Consul of Taldryan. Shad's real life just flared up in a dramatic fashion, and Halc was recommended highly by every summit member in the clan, and he's well loved over there, to say the least. Marmalade.<p>
The position of Fiction Tribune will be filled by Eludajae M'nar. Ludy is not terribly well known across the club, but that will be changing soon. Her ideas for the position and her love for several of the key components that I am looking to have integrated fully into the club helped set her application ahead of the others. What kind of projects? Well, the astute would notice that a new RPG forum was set up. Details as they develop.
Atop that, Alexander Anderson was named as my Praetor. Xander's got a good work ethic, and his point of view compliments and contrasts mine in ways that will hell round out projects as we are developing them. Good things, all around.
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What? There's more? Well, a little. Ladies in the club have been kinda underrepresented in the robes department, compared to the guys. After a good focus group, a few new robes for the ladies were designed. They've been uploaded to the robes gallery at clicky<p>
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Since I know how much you guys like to see stuff...<p>
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So, briefly:<p>
**Independent House Revan is Approved.<p>
Halc is TALCON<p>
Ludy is T:F<p>
Xander is P:GM<p>
New robes for the ladies.<p>
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And that's all for this time. Any questions, or anything i can help with, pm me on IRC or shoot me an email. Have fun!<p>
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Robes make me happy down there. So does Halc...
Great job Xander on Praetor!
Also, Marmalade owns. Just sayin
LOL for using the robes for the "Since I know how much you guys like to see stuff..." section. Congrats Halc, Ludy and Xander!
Congrats to Ludy and Xander. I'm sure I've already given Halc Congratulations for getting TAL CON before. :p
I can haz new robes?
Nice new robes for the ladies!
Congrats Halc, Ludy and Alex
muz fails at html... news at 11 :P
Nice report as always, Muz. Congratulations to Ludy, Xander, and Halcyon!
For the new members of Revan: I have changed your Clan category to Category:Independent House Revan on each of your Wiki pages (except Rax Von-Klug cause you don't have an article that I could find). But it will be up to you to change any relevant information in your article to reflect your new House assignment. Also, talk with Kaek about your Clan Titles.
Congrats Halc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhh... robes that don't make my character look like a dude :D Awesome.
Cool report Muz. And Congratulations guys!