Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Satal Keto

Aedile Report

The windowsill felt cold as the young Aedile sat carefully on it, her eyes gazed out to the plains of Morroth staring at its beauty. Cassandra stepped up and took a moment to gather her emotions up; she was proud and nervous to be chosen as Aedile. This was all new to the young Knight, including the glorious quarters that she now stood in. She turned around as the door whooshed open; a smile grew upon her sweet young face as she looked into the eyes of the Quaestor.

“How are you setting in my lady?” Kal Vorrac said with a grin.

Cassandra took another look around the room and then back to the man who gave her this responsibility. Taking a deep breath, her words felt strong as she finally spoke.

“Everything is doing well, thank-you sir”

Well Hello Everyone! Lots of events coming up so I thought it be the best time to I submit my first Aedile report. If you do not know me, I am Dark Jedi Knight Cassandra El’sin. I joined the Brotherhood over nine months ago and have gained respect from many members as well as making a whole new load of friends. I am here to help, teach and guide our house to new heights and strength. So let’s hope that together we can remain strong especially during the House feud that’s waiting on our doorstep.

Clan News

Firstly I would like to say, at last! Our House Feud starts tomorrow. We are all excited, and ready to kick arse and at least have some fun.

Next on the agenda would be to say farewell to Eludajae M’nar, she has transferred to rogues. However a big congrats to her appointed of Fiction tribune (T: F).

Another piece of sad loss, we say goodbye to Sanguinius Tsucyra to Clan Arcona. He was appointed Aedile of House Qel Droma, so a big congrats and good luck to him.

House News

GRD Fang Ao Tain was given the appointment of Battle Team Leader of Keto’s vengeance, a big congrats to him and good luck for the future leadership.

DJK Anubis Annedu was chosen as the House Satal Keto’s first Quaestor’s hand. A grand congrats to him, I hope all his new duties serve him well.

I would like to welcome all the new members to Clan Plagueis and House Satal Keto. So a warm welcome to Amaya yuki, Jack Antiles and Mai-vi Rocar.

Awards and Medals

KAP Vorion earned himself 4 Clusters of Fire

DJK Anubis Annedu earned himself 46 Clusters of Fire

Big congrats on that, don’t let gaming activity go down. Awesome work though guys, well done!

Shadow Academy Exams

OT Gaius Julius Caesar: Chamber of Justice 1

ACO Alexian Cephalon: The Training Saber Course

APP Jack Antiles: Dark Brotherhood Basics

OT Arcadian: Krath Core, and Dark Maven: Philosophy

PRT Artemis Alustriel: Old Republic History, Obelisk Core, and History of the Sith Empire 3

Lots of Shadow Academy exams completed, so well done. Great work to Artemis and the rest of you, you’re all doing so well.

Antei Combat Centre

Both ACO Alexian Cephalon and DJK Mograine have had their Character Sheets Approved! Congrats guys, hope to see you fighting during the Feud.

Well done to GRD Fang Ao Tain, who won his Qualification battle. Hope to see you doing great during the feud as well, and a big thanks to Impetus getting him there.

Another well done to OP Callus Bo’Amar on being victorious in his battle against SBM Eldujae M’nar


INI Jack Antiles was promoted to APP

INI Amaya Yuki was promoted to APP

KP Vorion was promoted to KAP,

A few promotions this week, well done guys 


Check out the Competition listing, I know there is a few out there along with many finished. But who cares, our House Feud start tomorrow so its not like we wont have anything to do.


Lots of good news and bad news this week, but we are fighting through it. Plenty to do out there so get some more awards in, but still good work to all of you. The Feud starts tomorrow, so let’s get ready to kick some arse. I want to see lots of activity during the next few weeks or so, as I think it would be awesome to see Satal Keto come out on top.

That’s all from me this week. Good luck to everyone!

In darkness

DJK Cassandra El'sin (Sith)/AED/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1]

GC / DC-CP / SN / Cr-2A-1S-4E-4T-3Q / CF-PF / LoR / S:-16U

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